
时间:2024-04-03 06:24:26 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


After immersing myself in the classic "Water Margin," I was profoundly impressed by the rich vocabulary and exquisite phrases throughout the novel.The following are some of the choice words and phrases that stood out to me:

1.**Verdant Hills and Turbulent Waters**: The novel"s descriptions of the natural landscape are painted with a vivid brush.Phrases like "verdant hills" and "turbulent waters" bring the settings to life, allowing the reader to envision the backdrop against which the heroes" stories unfold.

2.**Swift as a Tiger and Agile as a Monkey**: The prowess of the characters is often described using animal metaphors, which are both evocative and powerful.These metaphors, such as "swift as a tiger" and "agile as a monkey," perfectly capture the bold and dexterous nature of the heroes.

3.**Wisdom as Deep as the Ocean**: This phrase is an apt description of the strategic minds of characters like Wu Song and Lu Zhishen.Their intelligence and foresight are as vast and deep as the ocean, making them respected and revered among their peers.

4.**Iron Will and Unyielding Spirit**: The determination and resilience of the characters are highlighted with phrases like "iron will"

and "unyielding spirit." These qualities are essential to the protagonists as they face numerous trials and hardships.

5.**A Brother’s Bond**: The concept of brotherhood is a recurring theme in "Water Margin," and phrases that emphasize this bond, such as "sworn brothers" and "sharing weal and woe," effectively convey the depth of their relationships.





