溢美之词近义词 溢美之词近义词 导语:溢美之词是一个汉语词汇,表示过分吹嘘的话语。以下是小编收集整理的溢美之词近义词及相关知识,供各位阅读。 近义词 溢美之辞、溢美之言 词性 多指贬义 双语例句 顾校长,感谢你充满溢美之词的介绍。 Thank you, president gu, for that most flattering introduction. 他们想用溢美之词和奢华的礼品来取悦他。 They tried to please him with fulsome compliments and extravagant gifts. 基本上,光环曲线仅仅用来度量溢美之词和接受率。 Basically, hype cycle is only measuring the buzz as well as the adoption rate. 急于打压穆加贝先生,提升茨万吉拉伊先生地位的外国领导们对他不吝溢美之词。 Anxious to boost mr tsvangirai at the expense of mr mugabe, foreign leaders have showered him with praise. 你最想听到一个球手打完你设计的球场之后的溢美之词是什么? What is the most flattering compliment a golfer could pay you after a round on one of your courses? 领导们会发出微妙的信号,促使下属收回批评的言论,多说溢美之词。 Leaders send out subtle signals that encourage subordinates to mute their criticisms and exaggerate their praise. 西蒙和露丝对我们为他们烧的'饭菜充满了溢美之词。 Simon and ruth were fulsome in their compliments about the meal we cooked for them. (一)有关The 69 Eyes的溢美之词不断增多。 (二)同魏伯阳的溢美之词大同小异。 (三)溢美之词,赞誉之声不绝于耳。 (四)“这些都是溢美之词,言过其实。 (五)谁能独享如此多的溢美之词? (六)极褒溢美之词,跳动于字里行间。 (七)立场、混淆视听的溢美之词。 (八)”韩华毫不吝惜对爱徒的溢美之词。 (九)比奉翰札,率多溢美之词。 (十)我以为这些并非溢美之词。 (十一)材料而设计的溢美之词。 (十二)是发自内心的赞颂少岱山的溢美之词。 (十三)楹联与牌匾多为歌功颂德的溢美之词。 (十四)说朱先生做到了三不朽,绝非溢美之词。 (十五)王国维推尊为词中老杜,确非溢美之词。 (十六)”此言并非溢美之词。 (十七)这些话绝非溢美之词。 (十八)绝阳不兴,女子绝阴不产,非溢美之词。 (十九)古人用尽溢美之词赞叹香,不无道理呵! (二十)这些评价是恰如其分的,还是溢美之词? 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/dbf3b9eab24e852458fb770bf78a6529647d350e.html