
时间:2022-04-06 05:40:08 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

男:尊敬的各位领导、各位老师,亲爱的同学们, 大家下午好! 女:Dear teachers and students, Good afternoon! 男:青春,是一个个跳动不安的音符。 女:Youth is a restless note.

男:青春,是一段段激情燃烧的年华。 女:Youth is a burning year.


女:Let„s fly the wings of dream, listening to the melody of youth. 男:让我们挥洒爱的心灵,徜徉在音乐的海洋。

女:Let's sway our love, wandering around in the ocean of music.

男:大庆市育才中学首届育才杯——英文歌曲大赛今天将在这里隆重举行。 女:The first Yucai English song contest will be held here today.


女:The contest jury teachers are vice president______


女:Let us applause warmly to welcome their visiting. Here, we also welcome our teachers and classmates.


: Flying songs sing memorable years, combing the same complex of heart. 女:熟悉的旋律,演绎时代的激情,回荡情怀不改的真切。

男:Familiar melody, present the passion of times, echoing the unchangeable reality.


: Now Yucai English song contest begins. The first player is _____________, comes from Grade___ Class___. His/ Her song is____________________, welcome! 男:下面请欣赏2号选手**……同学演唱的歌曲《 ,掌声鼓励!

女:The second player is _____________, comes from Grade___ Class___. His/ Her song is____________________, welcome!

女:下面有3号选手**……上台,她演唱歌曲是《 ,掌声有请!

No.3 player is _____________, comes from Grade___ Class___. His/ Her song is____________________, welcome!

女: 她们,身轻如燕,她们,婀娜多姿,他们像美丽的蝴蝶,他们如同那灵巧的精灵、下面请欣赏高二同学带来的舞蹈表演( 4号选手**……的歌曲《 ,掌声鼓励!

: The girls graceful, just like beautiful butterflies, just like the smart wizard, please enjoy the following dance.

男:感谢高二同学为我们带来的精彩的舞稻。下面请欣赏 : Thanks for the wonderful dance. Let‟s welcome No. 5 player.

女:选手们真是颇具实力,下面请欣赏5号选手**……演唱的歌曲《 男:Let‟s enjoy.

男:今天,我们比赛的现场来了一位小歌星,她演唱的歌曲《 》颇有---的味道,她是谁呢,下面让我们用热烈的掌声有请6号选手**……同学上场。 女:Welcome the super star No.6 player.

女:一段优美的曲子给人以无限的遐想,在那美妙的背后,您是否可以聆听出生命的真谛,下面有请高一的王悦宇 王悦名同学为大家带来萨克斯演奏( 男:Beautiful songs always give us unlimited reverie, behind wonderful, you can listen to the true meaning of life, please enjoy saxophone performance ( )


女:After the saxophone song, let‟s welcome No. 7 player.


No.8 player is _____________, comes from Grade___ Class___. His/ Her song is____________________, welcome!

:下面请欣赏由9号选手为我们带来的《 大家掌声有请 女:Please enjoy No.9 player‟s song___________.

女: 如果你心情低落需要陪伴,如果你受伤了需要安慰,如果你感到悲伤心渐渐变冷,朋友,请不要忘记来我的肩膀哭泣。接下来请大家聆听来自高一高二的参赛歌手们合唱的一曲Cry On My Shoulder

男:If you need someone you‟re feeling blue, if you need someone who cares for you, if you‟re feeling sad your heart gets colder, my friends, do not forget to cry on my shoulder . Then please enjoy the song "Cry On My Shoulder"


女:Beautiful voices still linger in our ears. Thank you, every player, your voice may not be the best, but your courage and your passion is the best. You make us understand everyone who lives in the song and sing with the heart, our lives would not be lonely.


女:今天,我们用歌声共同敞开一扇心灵之窗,放飞希望,去寻觅我们远大的理想。 男:Today, we use songs open a window and fly our dreams. 男:今天,我们用歌声共同挽起友爱的臂膀,让明天来倾听我们爱心旋律的唱响。女:Today, we rolled up together and listen to the melody of love.


男:Today, let each song turn into a handful of flowers to decorate l every corner of Yucai Middle School.

男:今天,让每一首歌都化作一声洪钟,激荡我们每一位莘莘学子的美好愿望。女:Today, let each song turn into loud bells to bring the good wishes of every students here. 合:大庆市育才中学首届育才杯——英文歌曲大赛到此结束。 合:朋友们,再见!

合:The first " Yucai English song contest" ends, Goodbye our friends.
