用过去分词改写句子 用过去分词改写句子:1.If these seeds are grown in rich soil,they can grow fast. 2.Because he was caught in a heavy rain,he was all wet. 3.As the bike is used for a long time,it needs repairing. 4.The little girl will be blind in both eyes unless she is treated on time. 5.The teacher entered the classroom,and he was followed by a group of students. 改写后:1.Grown/If grown in rich soil,these seeds can grow fast. 2.Caught in a heavy rain,he was all wet. 3.Used for a long time,the bike needs repairing. 4.Unless treated on time,the little girl will be blind in both eyes. 5.Followed by a group of students,the teacher entered the classroom. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/de0e36ad82c758f5f61fb7360b4c2e3f56272573.html