
时间:2022-10-07 02:00:20 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载




We China has many traditional festival, Tomb Sweeping Day is one of them. 每年阳历45日就是清明节。清明节是我们缅怀和祭奠先辈的节日。今年清明节我和家人——起去祭奠了祖先。清明节当天——早,我和爸爸、妈妈、外公、外婆还有妹妹——起来到祖先的坟墓前给他们摆上饭菜,敬上酒,点上蜡烛。接着的我们还给先辈们烧了纸钱,放了火炮。然后,爸爸妈妈把清明纸标起来,妈妈告诉我用清明纸插起来或者放在上面用石头压上,就表示家人已经来过了。最后,我们大家站成一排站在先辈的坟墓前默默祈祷。之后,我们就依依不舍的离开了。

The solar calendar year April 5th is tomb sweeping day. Tomb Sweeping Day is our memory and hold a memorial ceremony for the festival. Ching Ming Festival this year my family and I have to hold a memorial ceremony for the ancestors. The day of the festival early, I and my father, mother, Grandpa, grandmother and sister - up to the tombs of their ancestors before them from food, wine, candles. Then we gave our ancestors burned paper money, put the gun. Then, mom and Dad took the paper standard, mom told me to use the paper to put or put pressure on top of stone, said the family had been. Finally, we stand in a row in the ancestor grave to pray silently. After that, we would be reluctant to part from. 这就是我们家乡的清明节。

This is the Ching Ming Festival in our hometown.


