感概的近义词 一、【近义词】 概叹、感叹 二、【基本解释】 【拼音】:gǎn gài 【注音】:ㄍㄢˇ ㄍㄞˋ 三、【英文翻译】 1.sense 四、【短语造句】 1.他就是来自百事高音乐论坛的:24k。除了数不尽的感概之外。 He is from high-pepsi ( besgold) music forum: 24k. In addition to a sense of almost countless outside. 2.不要害怕你所讲的内容让你感到不自在,或者让观众发出一些感概。 Don't be afraid to say something that will make you feel something, and that will make the audience feel something. 3.大约800年前,著名诗人苏东坡,来到曾是硝烟弥漫和血与火的古战场,他怀念古人,感概人生如梦,然后他写了这首诗。 800 Years ago, the famous poet su shi, was the smoke and came to the ancient battlefields of blood and fire, he remembered the ancient, almost a sense of life is a dream, and he wrote this poem. 五、【详细解释】 1.亦作“感”。谓情感愤激而有节概。 宋 苏舜钦 《寄富彦国》诗:“ 彦国 感概请奉使,誓将摧折其锋。” 2.感触;感叹。 宋 王安石 《舟夜即事》诗:“感概无穷事,迟回欲晓天。” 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e093e35193c69ec3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5dad7d3.html