
时间:2024-03-15 00:50:27 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


静静的在湖边享受的一段美妙的时光,我们随之又坐车来到了环城公园。感觉环城公园像一座世外桃源,如果忽略偶然行驶过的车辆,你都不会觉得你现在仍身处闹市。我们首先来到了位于环城公园的一条河边,这里风景很美。沿着河堤小路走了一会,忽然看见一条通往河边的小路。为什么说突然了?因为它不像别的通往河边的路,它藏在很茂密的树枝当中,如果不仔细看的话真的很容易被忽略。在这条小路上玩耍了一会,享受了一下树中若隐若现的感觉——很像小时候捉迷藏,怎么说呢,感觉又回味了一下我美好的童年。依依不舍的离开了小路,我和我男朋友直接穿过马路来到对面的森林。森林的数目都很高大,因为是春天,所以地上没有多少落叶。到处长满了不知名的小草,偶尔还蹦不一两朵小花,充满野趣。知不觉在这呆了很长时间,所以我们必须马不停蹄的赶往下一个地点——古城墙。 又经过了半个小时的车程,我们为您到达了目的地。虽然不只一次看过古城墙,但我还是震骇于它的雄伟壮阔。上一次我们花了四个多小时在城墙上走了一圈,所以这次我们没有选择登上城墙,而是在城墙底下细细浏览。摸着斑驳的城墙,不得不感叹古代劳动人民的伟大,这得多大的工程才能建造出如此宏伟的城墙。它的每一块砖都凝结这古代劳动人民的汗水。站在城墙脚下,顺着墙边抬头眺望,静静的享受它的纵横感。慢慢的沿着墙边一直走,回味着它的点点滴滴,仿佛置身于它当时所处的环境,好像现在网络上流行的穿越小说,也穿越到了古代。


Today is a very good day, the sky is clear and bright., sunny. I am a very good mood today, get up at seven in the morning, washed quickly, be fully equipped for. After nearly an hour drive, we came to the first stop today -- ba. Ba mountains and water, a small hill is green grass, on the side of a hill a European-style big step, above which is a flat, standing above view,

perspective is very wide. The following major steps is a small pool, the pool has a statue, is a knight riding a galloping horse. The horse's mouth spewing

water flow, splash, lively and cheerful. In the big step on the right side is a

small forest, a wild profusion of vegetation very vibrant number. Small forest of the front is a concentric garden, on the slopes of green grass and green trees in background, small garden is very beautiful.

On the hills and for a while, we come to the hillside opposite -- a small natural lakes. Along level step by step down to the lake, the lake is not very big, but very beautiful. Clear lake water, the weeping willow in the water, trees with ripples, I feel my heart is also with waves up together, feel very warm, very happy, and your love silently in such an environment, hand in hand, is really a good thing.

Quietly in the lake to enjoy a wonderful time, we will also go to park city. Feel the park around the city like a land of idyllic beauty, if ignored by vehicles travelling, you don't feel like you're still in downtown. We first arrived at the park city beside a river, the scenery here is very beautiful. For a walk along the riverbank Road, suddenly saw a path leading to the river. Why all of a sudden? Because it is not like other way to the river, it is the heavy branches, if not

carefully look at it really easy to be ignored. In this path and played for a while, enjoy the tree partly hidden and partly visible feeling -- like when playing hide and seek, how to say, feel and finish my wonderful childhood. Be reluctant to part off the road, I and my boyfriend is directly across the road to the forest. The number of the forest are very tall, as is the spring, so the ground not many leaves. Covered with unknown grass, occasionally not jump one or two flowers, full of wild. Imperceptibly in here for a long time, so we must make a hurried journey without stop to get to their next location -- the ancient city wall. After half an hour, we provide you arrived at the destination. Although not an ancient city walls, but I still paid to its magnificent magnificent. The last time we spent more than four hours in the wall on the left circle, so this time we have no choice but to climb walls, the walls under careful reading. Feeling the mottled walls, have to say the ancient working people's great, this big project to build such a magnificent city walls. It's every brick setting this ancient working people sweat. Standing on the wall, along the wall looking up, the quiet

enjoyment of its change. Walk slowly along the wall, aftertaste it bit by bit, as if exposure to it and the environment at that time, like now popular on the web to cut through a novel, I also cuts through to the ancient.

The ancient city wall is our last stand, with full of excitement and weary, my boyfriend and I returned to the campus. Today really play a very full, very

happy if I would have another chance, I will be along today's route again tour.
