关于二十四节气小满的英语作文400字带翻译 春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连。 The spring rain makes the spring clear and the valley sky clear. Summer is full and summer is connected. 这是我们大家熟悉的二十四节气歌,其中第二句的”满”,就是我们今天要说的节气”小满”。 This is a song of 24 solar terms that we are all familiar with. The second sentence of “full” is the solar term “Xiaoman” we are going to talk about today. 为了更清楚地了解小满这个节气,我们一起来查查资料吧。百科上给的资料是这样说的:小满是二十四节气之一,夏季的第二个节气,小满的含义是:夏熟作物开始慢慢饱满,但还没成熟,只是小满还不到大满。小满的时间大概是每年5月20日到22日之间。小满的气候特点是南北温差缩小,降水增多,这就是俗话说的”小满大满江河满”。 In order to understand Xiaoman solar term more clearly, let's check the data together. The information given in the encyclopedia is as follows: Xiaoman is one of the 24 solar terms, and the second solar term in summer. Xiaoman means that the summer crops begin to be full, but they are not mature, but Xiaoman is not yet full. Xiaoman's time is probably between May 20 and 22 every year. Xiaoman's climate is characterized by a shrinking temperature difference between the north and the South and an increase in precipitation, which is known as “Xiaoman and Daman”. 在我们生活的广东,小满之前就会很潮湿。在潮湿的那些天里,家里要门窗紧闭,为了防止发霉,还得开着空调和抽湿机。抽湿机很神奇,每天不停地工作,像变魔术一样,抽一会儿就会变出满满一箱水。小区里的清洁阿姨们也很辛苦,她们总是要用干拖布把车库和走廊里的水拖干净,以防老人们和孩子们滑倒。 In Guangdong where we live, Xiaoman will be very wet before. In those humid days, the doors and windows should be closed tightly. In order to prevent mildew, the air conditioner and dehumidifier must be on. The dehumidifier is very magical. It works continuously every day. Like magic, it will produce a full tank of water after a while. The cleaning aunts in the community are also very hard. They always use dry mop to clean the water in the garage and corridor to prevent the elderly and children from slipping. 小满之后,天气就会越来越热。有风的时候,家里要开着窗户吹风;没有风的时候,就要开着空调或者风扇,以防中暑。奶奶也会给我煮绿豆汤、酸梅汤,放学回来喝上一碗,凉凉的,舒服极了。 After Xiaoman, the weather will get hotter and hotter. When there is a wind, the windows should be open for blowing; when there is no wind, the air conditioner or fan should be open to prevent heatstroke. Grandma will cook mung bean soup and sour plum soup for me, and drink a bowl after school. It's cool and comfortable. 所有的节气都有它自己的特征,需要我们细细观察,多多去想。 All solar terms have their own characteristics. We need to observe them carefully and think more about them. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e2235f4cc081e53a580216fc700abb68a982ad95.html