剑桥雅思9Test3雅思写作Task1范文 雅思写作名师点题: 在统计数据类图表作文中.较少出现四幅图的考查形式.本题是四幅饼图.而 2013年2月2日的考试中给出的是四幅柱状图,剑7Test 4也是四幅饼图。此类图表作文有一定的共同点.都足用两幅图说明一件事情,另外两幅图说明另外一件事情,而且两组图之间也存在一定的联系。四幅图.信息多,在写作时容易超字数。解决办法是,每幅图都要描述,但不要描述得太详细,而且要阐述各图之间的关系。 test4范文,请点击: 剑桥雅思9Test4雅思小作文范文(折线图) 剑桥雅思9Test4雅思写作Task2范文 雅思写作范文: The four pie charts illustrate information on the ages of the population of Yemen-and Italy in 2000 and predictions for 2050. We can see from the first two pie charts that in Yernen, people under 14 years occupied the first position in 2000, while people from 15 to 59 years will have the highest percentage in 2050. There will be a growth in the percentage of people from 15 to 59 years and people over 60 years from 2000 to 2050. However, the percentage of people under 14 years will decrease over the 50 years. It can be seen from the second two pie charts that in Italy, people from 15 to 59 years have the highest percentage in 2000 and 2050, and the percentage of people over 60 years is higher than that of people under 14 years. There will be a rise in the percentage of people over 60 years from 2000 to 2050. However, the 50 years will witness a decrease in the percentage of people under 14 years and from 15 to 59 years. In 2000, in terms of people under 14 years, the percentage of Yemen was higher than those of Italy. However, in 2050, as for population over 60 years, the percentage of Yemen will be much lower than that of Italy. 作文结构分析: 范文由四段组成:第一段为引言段,主要介绍该图标展示的是什么方面的信息;第二段对前两幅饼图(也就是也门的人口比例)进行描述;第三段对后两幅饼图(也就是意大利的人口比例)进行描述;最后一段对两组饼图(也就是两个国家的人口比例)进行比较归纳。 亮点词汇: 第一段: Illustrate 以图表的形式说明 Prediction 预测 第二段: Occupy 占据 Growth 增加,上升 Decrease 减少,下降 第三段: Rise 增加,上升 Witness 目睹,见证 第四段: In term of 在…方面 As for 关于,至于 亮点语句: 1. We can see from the first two pie charts that in Yemen, people under 14 years occupied the first position in 2000, while people from 15 to 59 years will have the highest percentage in 2050. 从前两幅饼图我们可以看到,在也门,14岁以下的人口在2000年占据第一位,但是在2050年15岁到59岁的人口将占最高比例。 2.there will be a growth in the percentage of people from 15 to 59 years and people over 60 years from 2000 to 2050. 从2000年到2050年,15岁到59岁和60岁以上的人口比例会上升。 3.however, the percentage of people under 14 years will decrease over the 50 years. 然而,在这50年间,14岁以下的人口比例将会下降。 剑9下载的同学,请点击: 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e243ce4318e8b8f67c1cfad6195f312b3069eb3f.html