关于春晚小学生英语作文带翻译精选篇8 (最新版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制学校:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 作文(composition)是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。作文分为小学作文,中学作文,大学作文(论文)。作文体裁包括:记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。 作文并不神秘,要想写好一篇文章,首先要多看,多想,勤于观察,积累素材。只有细致的观察生活,积累素材才是写好作文的基础。首先要明确你要写的主题,认真的审题,列出大纲,不要只注意题目中要求的字有多少,要多注意题目的本身,要多读多想,准确的用好词语和修饰语。这是审题的关键,要确立好主题的依据,要精心的选材,布局列题,有的材料,还要分析整理。这就要对材料进行分类,比较,概括,筛选。 我们不要象盖房子那样的把所有的材料都堆砌起来,要合理恰当的组合,具体的说开头和结尾要略写,那么经过就要仔细的推敲,修辞,润色,写好以后不要急于交稿,反复检查认真的修改。 古人说:书读百遍,其义自见。熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。这些都说明一个道理,只要你多看书,多读书对你的写作文有一定的好处。只要你明白这样的一个道理,作文就是要你把生活中喜,怒,哀,乐用文字经过加工,修饰。整理,也就是我们说的作文。 第 1 页 共 3 页 作文内容 今天会播放春节联欢晚会,我盼望以久,终于在今天晚上八时开始了,全家人吃完年夜饭,高高兴兴欢聚在一起观看春节晚会。 Today, the Spring Festival gala will be shown. I'm looking forward to it for a long time. Finally, it starts at 8:00 this evening. The whole family will eat the new year's Eve dinner and get together happily to watch the Spring Festival Gala. 春节晚会开始,由藏族、朝鲜等五个民族表演了精彩的民族舞蹈,他们动作一致翩翩起舞。接着,又演了相声小品,还有我最喜爱的杂技《玩铜铃》他们玩得熟练、整齐叫人 At the beginning of the Spring Festival party, five ethnic groups, including Tibetan and North Korea, performed wonderful ethnic dances. They danced in unison. Then, I played crosstalk skits, and my favorite acrobatics, playing bronze bells. They played skillfully and neatly 看得目不转睛,真是台上一分钟,台下十年功。接着,又演了武术《行云流水》,朗诵《心里话》个个节目精彩夺目,最后,赵本山和宋丹丹的小品《策划》把春节联欢晚会推向高潮,他那过硬的技艺赢得观众一阵阵热烈的掌声。这时已到了深更半夜, 第 2 页 共 3 页 钟声敲响十二下,但我还是精神百倍没有一点睡意。 It's a minute on stage and ten years off stage. Then, he performed the martial arts "running clouds and flowing water", recited "words in the heart" and all the programs were brilliant. Finally, Zhao Benshan and Song Dandan's sketch "planning" pushed the Spring Festival Gala to the climax, and his excellent skills won the audience's warm applause. At this time, it was midnight and the bell rang twelve times, but I was still full of energy and did not feel sleepy at all. 零时已过,节目继续上演,我渐渐从歌舞中进入梦乡,几小时后,我长大了一岁 It's past zero. The program continues. I gradually fall asleep from singing and dancing. A few hours later, I grew up one year old 第 3 页 共 3 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e276dd8e75232f60ddccda38376baf1ffc4fe3ae.html