
时间:2024-02-19 22:38:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
爱过以后只留下一道伤口 Love after leaving a wound 你曾经对我说的天长地久

You once told me that the enduring as the universe 随着你转身远走 都化作乌有

As you turn and walk away into nothingness 该不该就这样放手

Should should not let go like this 什么原因让你一去不回头

What is the reason that you don't turn head 缠绵的伤口不停地颤抖 Lingering wound kept trembling 为什么不能挽留 从前的温柔

Why not to retain the former tenderness 有情的一切换无情的所有 Love of a switching ruthless all 为何多情的人总被无情的伤

Why always be ruthlessly sentimental injury 付出真心换回狼狈的模样

To pay a sincere exchange for panic. 为爱背负的伤 折断了翅膀 For love hurted with broken wings 你的诺言叫我怎么才能遗忘

You promise to call me how to forget


Why always be ruthlessly sentimental injury 对着镜子让我痛快哭一场 In the mirror I have a good cry 哭红了的眼眶 谁又能体谅

Cry red eyes and who can understand 心碎应该如何去收场

Heart how should go to the end 什么原因让你一去不回头

What is the reason that you don't turn head 缠绵的伤口不停地颤抖 Lingering wound kept trembling 为什么不能挽留 从前的温柔

Why not to retain the former tenderness 有情的一切换无情的所有 Love of a switching ruthless all 为何多情的人总被无情的伤

Why always be ruthlessly sentimental injury 付出真心换回狼狈的模样

To pay a sincere exchange for panic. 为爱背负的伤 折断了翅膀 For love hurted with broken wings 你的诺言叫我怎么才能遗忘

You promise to call me how to forget
