
时间:2023-02-19 04:03:33 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

for的音标是[f?r; f??r]。短语:for all,尽管;虽然。例句:She fought honestly for a just cause and for freedom.她正直地为正义事业和自由而战。

for [f?r; f??r] [f?r,f??r]

prep. (表示对象、用途等)给,对;为了; 关于;代表;受雇于;意思是;支持;因为;为得到;换取;就而言;(更好、更快乐等)(表示去向)往;(安排或预定)在时;对(某人)来说(困难、必需、愉快等);以为价格;(表示一段时间)计;表示一系列事件之一 conj. 因为,由于 短语:

for all 尽管;虽然 as for 关于,至于 例句:

1.Let#39;s hear it for the teachers, for a change. 咱们变换一下,这回为老师们鼓鼓掌。

2.They call me the gofermdash;go for this, go for that... 他们称我为跑腿的mdash;一会儿去拿这,一会儿去拿那


3.She fought honestly for a just cause and for freedom. 她正直地为正义事业和自由而战。

4.Tullio has been modelling for Sandra for eleven years. 图利奥已经为桑德拉当了11年的模特儿。

5.For the time being it#39;s business as usual for consumers. 对于消费者来说暂时一切照常。

6.They had liquor for the adults and sodas for the children. 他们为成年人准备了酒,为孩子们准备了汽水。 7.There is potential for selective breeding for better yields. 以优产为目的的精选养殖是有潜力的。

8.The agent spied for East Germany for more than twenty years. 该特工为东德从事了二十多年的间谍活动。

9.Farmers struggling for survival strip the forests for agricultural land. 为生存而挣扎的农民们把森林伐光来作农业用地。 10.He was jailed for life for murder. 他因谋杀罪被终身监禁。 11.What#39;s for breakfast? 早餐吃什么?

12.I#39;m not afraid for me, but for the baby. 我担心的不是自己,而是婴儿。

