英语辩论 是否鼓励中国人购买私家车(英文)

时间:2023-05-09 09:09:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
关于英语辩论题为“是否鼓励中国人购买私家车”的材料(英文) 不鼓励:

1. You seem to be mistaken about the topic. Our topic is “Should Chinese people be encouraged to purchase private cars?but Should private cars be purchased in China?Encouragement of the purchase of private cars will cause many problems.

2. If we regulate the number of private cars more carefully, the polluted environment will take a turn for the better and we will have more fuels to operate factories and manufacturing. And the congestion will be relieved. There will be a more harmonious relationship between the rich and the poor when sharing the roadways.

3. If you are bored with the long tailbacks along the streets and do feel responsible for the sustainable development of our motherland, please dont plunge yourself into the rush to purchase private cars.

4. In the postindustrial society, the possession of knowledge becomes more of a statement of success than that of the ownership of a private car. Shouldnt we have some nobler pursuits?

5. Modernization involves several aspects, politics, economy, education, and so on. Must we hurry to buy a private car to achieve economic modernization at the cost of the overall modernization?

6. I suppose there is an element of truth in what youve said. Although vehicle is an important invention in our history, protecting environment is

also an important concept in our history. And we should treasure this human wisdom.

7. You seem to neglect that architecture is also one of the most important symbols of modernization. When we buy more cars, we will need more fuels to power them, which will intensify the shortage of fuels, leaving less fuels to contribute to our modern construction.

8. The increasing number of cars would still cause many other problems such as fatalities, congestion and social unrests even if they dont emit harmful gases.
