
时间:2024-01-16 23:42:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Angel 天使

Spend all your time waiting for that second chance 用一生等待机缘重现 For a break that would make it OK 等待通向无憾的转弯 Theres always some reasons 总能找到些理由 to feel not good enough 为完美而追求

And its hard at the end of the day 日暮时分难将息

I need some distraction oh a beautiful release 我应思绪放轻松 Memories seep from my veins 那些回忆不须留 Let me be empty and weightless 万念皆空轻如风

And maybe Ill find some peace tonight 我的心今夜或许得安宁

In the arms of the angel 让天使拥抱着你 Fly away from here 飞离这俗世凡尘

From this dark, cold hotel room 离开这阴冷的驿馆 And the endlessness that you fear 这令人恐惧的苦海无岸

You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie脱离那破灭的静谧虚幻

You are in the arms of the angel 让天使拥抱着你 May you find some comfort here 祝君从此得安详

So tired of the straight line 厌倦了大路通天 And everywhere you turn 总喜欢抹角转弯

Therere vultures and thieves at your back 你背负侥幸与贪婪 The storm keeps on twisting 骇浪在心中涡漩 You keep on building the lies 你用谎言圆说谎言

That you make up for all that you lack 掩盖你所有的缺欠

It dont make no difference, escape one last time 就算终解脱,也无法换日欺天

Its easier to believe in this sweet madness 那甜蜜的癫狂却令人信其然 oh this glorious sadness 高尚的忧伤啊 That brings me to my knees 让我拜倒在君前

You are in the arms of the angel 让天使拥抱着你 May you find some comfort here 祝君从此得安祥



vultures and thieves——“秃鹫”这个词通常都是用作贪婪的代称,而“贼”之所以敢于偷窃,就是因为心存侥幸。

sweet madness——比较难理解的词,一般都猜测是指人在吸毒之后的感觉。 glorious sadnes——sadness应该是从Smashing Pumpkins乐队的Mellon

Collie and the Infinite Sadness专辑里面借过来的。从这句歌词里可以看出,这首歌当初确实是写给Jonathan Melvoin的。
