
时间:2022-08-27 18:52:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


Hello everyone

New years Day is near, it is a reminder that we will end this semester!

New years Day is a good summary, like a full stop; new years Day is the future of open, like the colon; new years Day is the surprise blessing, like an exclamation point; new years Day is the unknown happiness, like an apostrophe. May your new years day be filled with happiness! I have a song for you:

New years day comes a cup of wine, may your good luck every day; The new year is coming to visit friends, wish you happy no worries; New years day coming to visit their relatives, let your heart warm spring sheng;

New years day comes the information to pass, wish you relaxed and carefree.

Finally, I wish you a happy New Years Day! Thank you, my speech is over! 亲爱的教师,同学们:


元旦已经近在咫尺,它提示着我们这一学期立刻就要完毕了! 元旦,是美妙的总结,就像句号;元旦是将来的开启,就像冒号;元旦是惊喜的祝愿,就像感慨号;元旦是幸福的未知,就像省略号。愿你元旦时写满欢乐的标点!

下面我有一首儿歌送给大家: 元旦降临喝杯酒,愿你好运每天有; 元旦降临访访友,愿你快乐无烦忧; 元旦降临探亲人,愿你心间胜暖春; 元旦降临信息传,愿你轻松长闲适。 最终,祝大家元旦节欢乐! 感谢大家,我的演讲到此完毕!
