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environmental protection 环境保护 environmentally-friendly 环保的 preserve v.保护,保留 污染的环保英语词汇:

Pollute= contaminate, 污染 (动词 ) pollutant 污染物

Pollution=contamination 污染 (名词 )

垃圾 : rubbish, garbage, trash, waste, litterrefuse 办理 : dispose of, burn, bury (landfill 垃圾场 ) dump 倾倒, recycle 回收

plastic bags塑料袋 , drinking cans 饮料罐 biodegradable packaging 可降解包装 throwaway 可抛弃的 disposable 可抛弃的 discourage v. 不鼓舞 燃料的环保英语词汇:

non-renewable 不行重生的

fossil fuels 矿石燃料 : natural gas, coal, petroleum limited/finite natural resources 有限的自然资源 alternative energy代替能源 replace=substitute v.

(wind power, hydropower 水电 solar power太阳能 nuclear power核能

use up, deplete, exhaust v.用光,耗尽 conserve v. 节俭,节俭 consume less v. 少耗费 危害动物的环保英语词汇:

poaching 非法狩猎,盗猎

damage natural habitat 损坏自然栖息地 rare breed罕有物种

endangered species濒危物种

extinct adj.灭绝 (die out, disappear动词 ) animal rights activist 动物权益保护者 natural reserve自然保护区 protect wild life 保护野生动物

disastrous灾害性的 , devastation损坏

have disastrou effect on 有灾害性的影响危害植物的环保英语词汇:

vegetation 植被

deforestation丛林消逝 landslide 山体滑坡


carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 acid rain 酸雨 (erode 腐化 )

greenhouse effect温室效应 (worsening, deteriorate, deterioration恶化 ) global warming 全世界变暖


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ecological system=ecosystem生态系统 Ecology 生态 green belt绿化带 , sand storm沙尘暴 , (filter v. 过滤 )

arouse people's awareness/consciousness of environmental protection提升民众的环保意识

面对的环境保护问题及污染问题英文词汇: 有机污染物: organic pollutants 丛林砍伐率: rate of deforestation 水土流失: water and soil erosion 濒危野生动物: endangered wildlife 环境恶化: environmental degradation 温室效应: greenhouse effect 全世界变暖: global warming


可降解一次性塑料袋: throwaway bio-degradable plastics bags 垃圾填埋场: refuse landfill 垃圾焚化场: refuse incinerator

防备过分利用丛林: protest forests from overexploitation 水土保持: conservation of water and soil

水资源保护区: water resource conservation zone 造林工程: afforestation project 丛林覆盖率: forest coverage 防风林: wind breaks 防沙林: sand breaks

速生林: fast-growing trees

降低资源耗费率: slow down the rate of resource degradation 开发可重生资源: develop renewable resources 环保产品: environment-friendly products 自然保护区: nature reserve “低碳”词汇

低碳 Low-Carbon

低碳经济 Low-Carbon Economy LCE 低碳生活 Low-Carbon Life 低碳旅行 Low-Carbon Tour

低碳城市化道路 Low-Carbon urbanization way Carbon

二氧化碳 Carbon dioxide

碳减排 Carbon emission reduction

一氧化碳 Carbon monoxide[m?'n?ksaid] 温室气体 Greenhouse gasGHS

温室气体排放 Greenhouse gas emission 大气层 Atmosphere 臭氧层 Ozone layer 紫外线 Ultraviolet ray 红外线 Infrared

工业烟尘 Industrial fumes

可连续发展 Sustainable development


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