永远的生命 Life never dies 过去了的日子永不再回来。一个人到了三十岁的时候就会发现自己丢失了一些什么,一颗臼齿,一段盲肠,脑门上的一些头发,一点点和人开玩笑的兴味,或者就是你那整个的青春。那些东西和那消逝了的岁月一样只能一度为你所有:它们既已离开了你,就永不会再返回。即令你是一个智者又怎么办呢!你的力量是那样的小,对于生命上的事你丝毫不能作主。生命不像一件衬衫,当你发现它脏了破了的时候,你就可以脱下来洗涤,把它再补好。你如果曾经为什么事忧虑过,顶多你只能尽力地去忘却它,你却不能取消它存在过的印迹。在这件事上我们都是这样可怜! Yesterday will not be called again. One will find himself have lost somethinglike a molar, a caecum, a wisp of hair on the forehead and some interest to play a small joke on others. In other word,the whole youth of his life, which is like the lost time that will never be found again. Pitifully, it makes nosense if you were a wise man, for life is beyond your control.What a pity, life is not like a T- shirt,took off to wash or repair when it is dirty or worn out, for which, if you have been concerned about something, it could be only dropped out from your memory at large,butthe trace of it can be still found, just as Tagore wrote in the Stray Bird :“I leave no trace of wings in the air, but I am glad I have had my flight .” 然而,一切还都是乐观的。这是由于生命自身的伟大;生命能够不绝地创造新的生命。这是一件平常的事,也是一个奇妙的魔术。就像地面上的小草,它们是那样卑微,那样柔弱,每一个严寒的冬天过去后,它们依然一根根地从土壤里钻出来,欣喜地迎着春天的风,似乎对那过去的残酷一无所知一样。我们以同样感动的眼光看着山坡上那些跳着蹦着的小牛犊,它那金黄色的绒毛像是刚从太阳里取得的。 However, tomorrow is another day. Life itself is great, for it can breed new life, a common occurrence as well as a magic. Little blades of grass, so very delicate and greenish, poke their little heads out of the ground, and welcome the spring breeze, seemingly, ignorant of the past cruel winter.Touched,we look at cattles on the hillside, whose fluff is as goldenas the sun. 我不得不想到永久不朽的意义。感谢生命的奇迹!它并不是一个暂时的东西。它仿佛一个不懂疲倦的旅客,也许只是暂时地在哪一个个体内住一会儿,便又离开前去了,但它是永远存在的。 Naturally, the meaning of eternity occurred to me. Life is a wonder! For it is not temporary, it moves on like a tireless traveller, being in one body for a while,and leave later. Undeniably, it shall never die. 它充满了希望,永不休止地繁殖着,蔓延着,随处宣示它的快乐和威势。这该是如何值得赞叹的一件事! Full of hope,life breeds hope, boasting its happiness and power. How amazing! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e5bee796bdeb19e8b8f67c1cfad6195f312be828.html