
时间:2023-04-24 07:08:22 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


解释:黑色的;黑暗的;悲观的;禁闭的 用法:


2.名词,表示黑色,也可表示一种状态或感觉。 3.动词,表示使变成黑色或使沉浸于黑暗中。 4.表示惩罚、禁闭等严格处罚的名词。 例句:

1. Her hair is black, long and curly.(她的头发是黑色的,又长又卷。)

2. The sky turned black as the storm approached.(随着暴风雨的临近,天空变得漆黑。)

3. He was in a black mood and refused to speak to anyone.(他心情很糟,拒绝和任何人说话。)

4. The prisoner was kept in solitary confinement in a small black room.(囚犯被关在一个小黑房间里单独监禁。)

5. She wore a beautiful black dress to the formal dinner.(她穿着一件漂亮的黑色礼服去参加正式晚宴。)

6. The cat was completely black with no white markings.(那只猫完全是黑色的,没有任何白色的标记。)

7. The painting was done with black ink on white paper.(这幅画是用黑墨水在白纸上画出来的。)

8. The band wore all black clothing for their concert.(这支乐队在演出时穿了黑色衣服。)

9. The power outage left the entire city in blackness.(断电使整个城市陷入黑暗中。)

10. He was sentenced to three years in the black hole for his crimes.(他因犯罪被判三年监禁在黑牢里。)
