英文诗 妈妈的爱

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Mothers love

M is for the things she gave me. M 代表着妈妈为我所付出的一切。 O means she grows old. O意味着妈妈为我操劳。 T is for the tears

T意味着我的成长离不开妈妈的付出。 H is her heart.

H代表妈妈对我的一片心。 E is for eyes.

E 是妈妈永远关注着我。

R means right and right always be. R 是母爱永恒。

Mother's love is like a circle .母亲的爱就像一个圆圈

It has no beginning and no ending.没有开始和结束。Mother,

What a nice word, what a great name? I love you so much.

