
时间:2022-03-31 07:08:29 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


Lily is finding her way to hilton Hotel. 莉莉正在找去希尔顿酒店的路。

you tell me where the Hilton Hotel is? 莉莉:先生,你好,您知道希尔顿酒店怎么走吗?

are two Hilton Hotels around here.Which one is your destination? 路人:哦,这边有两个希尔顿酒店,你想去哪一个?

me see.Sorry,I can't remember it,because I've been there only once,accompanied by my friends.


would be a little bit harder to find out your way.Do you remember for the name of the street,or one two landmarks?

路人:这样的话,可能有些难找了。那你记得街道的名字或是一两个地标性建筑吗? Lily:A bookstore,probably.With a yellow and orange logo. 莉莉:好像有个书店,黄色和橙色的标牌。 other clues?


Lily:I remembered there is a very busy street several miles away.I waited for the traffic light for a very long time.

莉莉:我记得那边几英里之外是一条繁忙的街道。我在那里等了好长时间的红绿灯呢。 there a bank near there,Standard Charted possibly? 路人:哦,那里好像有个渣打银行,对吧?

got it,there is a bank.My friend exchanged her money there.


the second branch hotel of Hilton.Walk straight down and you will see the bookstore you just mentioned.Turn left,I believe,you will get it.

路人:那是希尔顿酒店的第二分店。径直走下去,你会看到刚才你说的那个书店,往左转,我相信你会找到的。 thanks!

莉莉:太好了!太感谢了! 2

Mr.Brown is waiting at the airport terminal and this is his first time to take plane.

布朗先生正在机场楼等候,这是他第一次乘坐飞机。 Mr. new here,could you tell me where is boarding gate? 布朗先生:您好,女士。我刚到这儿来,请问登机门在哪里? your flight number? 女士:你的航班号是多少?

Mr. a second,please.Oh,it's CA193 布朗先生:你等会儿啊。哦,是CA193

near the duty-free shops.Not far from here,I believe. 女士:在免税店旁边,好像离这里不远。 Mr. you.


you a transfer passenger,sir? 女士:先生,你是转机乘客吗? Mr..


the north line is the right track for you to take. 女士:那去排北边的那一队吧。

Mr. so nice of you. 布朗先生:您真是太好了。 3

Mike and Lily are deciding how to go to Beijing from Shanghai. 迈克和莉莉在讨论如何从上海去北方。 we book two tickets online? 莉莉:迈克,我们从网上订两终票好吗?

and Beijing are thousands of miles away.How about bullet train?Faster and relatively cheap,I think.

迈克:好啊,上海和北京相距千里,我们坐动车怎么样?既快又便宜。 many tickets remain? 莉莉:好的,还剩下几张票了?

a shame.Only sleeping cars have tickets.Others are all out of stock.The price of the sleeping car is almost the same as the airplane.You see,the discount plane tickets are no more than 500 yuan.A good deal,isn't it? 迈克:哦,太不幸了。只有卧铺票了,其他席位的都卖光了。卧铺的票价和飞机票的价格相差无几。你瞧,打折的飞机票也不过500块。这倒是可以考虑一下,是吧? ideal!That will make our journey rewarding and much safer. 莉莉:不错!坐飞机不仅让我们的旅行物有所值,而且更加安全。

