My college life

时间:2022-04-09 07:09:26 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
My college life

Farewell in high school and step forward in university, I full of hope and longing into

henan engineering institute, From then on good my college life has started.

The first two weeks of school, the school organization us a freshman carried on a military training,.In this period ,I met a lot of students, and we became good friends.

We together with training, learning and having dinner . During this period I know insist,.As a college students we should learn to bear hardships and work hadly. I am very glad to school gave me a military training opportunities.

In the university, the first thing you will notice about college is that it is much different than high school. You have more freedom and more opportunities, indicating that you must make important decisions yourself.

The life in the university is greatly different from ours in the middle school , I believe . First , on the living type , its leisure and freedom in the university , which is not like tight and constraint in the middle school at all . Second , on the studying , in the university , there is no long forced to learn by teacher , no longer so many lectures to have to learn . You are learning by self-conscious and also can select you favorite lectures.

In the university, each man has his own goal. I try to add some extra-curricular activities, and give myself some exercise chance, therefore, I join in a club, it's called college students' training camp.

I took an active part in the work, I took part in the debate, speech contest, etc, to fully

exercise my abilities and show my presence. Learn something new, such as simple social dance, basketball, table tennis and so on,.But all of it we shoud put the study in the first place.

In the second year of the university. 25 members and I took over the college students training camp, I served as the President of position,.From now on we work together with the college students' training camp .In this year I took every opportunity to exercise yourself,

Time flies ,After a year is about to graduate.I am very glad to henan engineering institute, In this school I met many good friends ,and learned a lot of knowledge, I will always remember my Alma mater----Henan engineering college

. 我的大学生活

告别中学时代,迈进了大学校门,满怀着希望和憧憬踏进了河南工程学院, 从此美好的大学生活从这里开始了。

开学的前两周,学校组织了我们大一学生进行了一次军事训练,在这期间 我认识了

好多同学,和他们成为了好朋友,我们一起吃饭、一起训练、一起学习,非常的 高兴。在这期间我懂得了坚持,作为一个大学生要学会吃苦耐劳的的精神,

很高兴学校给了我一次军训的机会。 1111

在大学里,每个人都有自己的目标。我尽可能的多加入一些课外活动,多 给自己一些锻炼的机会,因此,我在大学里加入了一个社团,它叫大学生训练营, 在社团内积极工作,我参加了辩论赛、演讲比赛等,以此充分锻炼自己的能力,展示 个人风采。学习了一些新的东西,例如简单的交谊舞、篮球、乒乓球等,但一切活 动的前提是把学习放在第一位。

到大二时,我和25个大二成员接任了大学生训练营,我担任了会长的职务, 也有了一批共同学习的学弟和学妹,从此我们一起努力,把大学生训练营带



时间过的真快,再过一年就要毕业了,很高兴能来到河南工程学院,在这里 认识了好多人,学到了好多知识,我会永远记得我的母校的。
