元宵节手抄报内容素材整洁又耐看 简单的元宵节手抄报 元宵节手抄报内容:山西省的元宵节 元宵农历元月十五日是元宵节,又称上元节。元宵节是中国最古老的夜的节日。相传西汉平定“诸吕”,汉文帝元月十五日开基,定为元宵节。举国上下张灯结彩,欢度佳节。深宫皇室,大家闺秀也可上街看观灯游玩。 元宵节,家家户户自制元宵(今有专业户专卖)。元宵古称“浮元子”,是一种雅俗共尝,甜而不腻,脍炙人口的民间小吃,全国流行。“星灿乌云里,珠浮浊水中”。“轻圆绝胜鸡头肉,涌腻偏宜蟹眼汤”。古诗人如此描摩元宵圆,难怪此物历经千年,风行不衰。 挂花灯,是山西人民欢庆元宵节必备的一种形式。每逢元农宵节来临之时,家家户户都挂起各式各样的灯,从十四至十六,每晚都开,远远望去,楼房张灯结彩五颜六色,将整个城市装扮的富丽辉煌,各单位也争相制作各种各样的花灯,在街上挂起,供人们欣赏,花灯样式之多,数不胜数,有动物的,有生肖,有谜语猜谜的,有宫灯的,有现代电器的,也是歌颂现代人新生活的`,飞机,火箭,飞船的,有鼓灯、润饼灯、鱼虾鸡鸭鹅灯、柑桔香蕉菠萝灯、宫灯、如意灯、料丝灯、玻璃灯、走马灯……形形色色,异彩纷呈。 放焰火,为山西人民元宵节最为喜人的活动。元宵节夜在广场都要进行放烟火活动,到时全家都走到大街上,去看那美丽的烟火,烟火越来变得越美,越来越大,科技含量越来越高,颜色越来越美越来越艳丽。 文艺踩街,堪称民间文化化妆大游行。“装扮故事,盛饰珠宝,钟鼓喧天,一国若狂”。(明间乔元《闽书》)。从十四到十六,连续三天各县区的都组织大大小小的各种文艺汇演到市里来,有民间艺术,有现代艺术展示,有传统文艺,有古老乐曲,有八音会,有古装戏,花样之多,数不胜数。办大型灯展。各单位都想声,光,色俱全的大型灯展在街上展出。有代表吉祥的,有代表幸福的,有代表古老传说的,有带有启迪意义的。 元宵节手抄报资料:元宵节的英文资料 Another legend associates the Lantern Festival with Taoism. Tianguan is the Taoist god responsible for good fortune. His birthday falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month. It is said that Tianguan likes all types of entertainment. So followers prepare various kinds of activities during which they pray for good fortune. The third story about the origin of the festival is like this. Buddhism first entered China during the reign of Emperor Mingdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty. That was in the first century. However, it did not exert any great influence among the Chinese people. one day, Emperor Mingdi had a dream about a gold man in his palace. At the very moment when he was about to ask the mysterious figure who he was, the gold man suddenly rose to the sky and disappeared in the west. The next day, Emperor Mingdi sent a scholar to India on a pilgrimage(朝圣)to locate Buddhist scriptures. After journeying thousands of miles, the scholar finally returned with the scriptures. Emperor Mingdi ordered that a temple be built to house a statue of Buddha and serve as a repository for the scriptures. Followers believe that the power of Buddha can dispel darkness. So Emperor Mingdi ordered his subjects to display lighted lanterns during what was to become the Lantern Festival. Yuanxiao Besides entertainment and beautiful lanterns, another important part of the Lantern Festival,or Yuanxiao Festival is eating small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour. We call these balls Yuanxiao or Tangyuan. Obviously, they get the name from the festival itself. It is said that the custom of eating Yuanxiao originated during the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the fourth centuty, then became popular during the Tang and Song periods. The fillings inside the dumplings or Yuansiao are either sweet or salty. Sweet fillings are made of sugar, Walnuts(胡桃), sesame, osmanthus flowers(桂花), rose petals, sweetened tangerine peel, bean paste, or jujube paste(枣泥). A single ingredient or any combination can be used as the filling . The salty variety is filled with minced meat, vegetables or a mixture. The way to make Yuanxiao also varies between northern and southern China. The usual method followed in southern provinces is to shape the dough of rice flour into balls, make a hole, insert the filling, then close the hole and smooth out the dumpling by rolling it between your hands. In North China, sweet or nonmeat stuffing is the usual ingredient. The fillings are pressed into hardened cores, dipped lightly in water and rolled in a flat basket containing dry glutinous 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e8dc58036094dd88d0d233d4b14e852458fb39a9.html