小学生作文:防止诈骗,从我做起 作文(composition)是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。 今天店铺要与大家分享的是:小学生作文:防止诈骗,从我做起; 内容仅供阅读参考,希望对大家有所帮助; 诈骗,随着时代的发展,越来越放肆,几乎无处不在。可以随着网络,随着聊天工具,随着电信…… 记得有一次,我和妈妈去市场买菜,买了好多好多。我们在路上走着走着,看见了一个乞丐,那乞丐可怜兮兮地说:“我已经五天没吃饭了,给我一点钱吧!”妈妈看他可怜,就给了他五元。当我们会到家后,很不幸的事发生了:我们家没煤气了。妈妈就带着我去餐馆吃饭,让人很恼火的事发生了。我在餐馆里看见了,那个向我和妈妈要钱的乞丐,正在津津有味的吃着食物,而且还和他的同伴说着令人反感的话:“今天有好几个傻瓜,给了我好多钱,以后要是还像今天这样就好了。”说完还笑的很大声。当我听见这句话时,我真想走上前去责骂他,可以看见那么多人,我便忍住气让妈妈换一家餐馆。 还有一次,我在电脑上看见怎么一则新闻:在深圳市居住的一位王女士,在网上购买了苹果4,商家要她的银行账号和密码,说,还有一千元钱要给她。王女士居然就这样糊里糊涂给了商家银行账号和密码。商家从银行上取走了一万元,就逃之夭夭了。不过,后面他还是被警察给抓走了。 诈骗在世界的各个角落存在着,所以让我们学几条防止诈骗的方法。 一、在面对任何与财产有关的事时,要用头脑想清楚那是不是诈骗。二、千万不要给网上的人银行账号和密码,因为那百分百是假的。三、不要贪图一点钱,因为到头来,只会得小失大,是一笔不划算的选择。 防止诈骗,从我做起,从大家做起。 英文翻译 Fraud, with the development of the times, more and more outrageous, almost everywhere. With the network can, along with chat tools, along with the telecommunications ...... I remember one time, my mother and I go to the market to buy food, bought a lot a lot. We walked on the road, saw a beggar, that pitiful beggar said: "! I have not eaten for five days, give me a little money now," Mom look at his poor, I gave him five dollars. When we got home, very unfortunate thing happened: Our family did not gas up. My mother took me to a restaurant, people are annoyed happened. I saw in a restaurant, the money to my mother and beggars, are relish eating food, but also, and his companions said offensive words: "Today there are several fool, gave me a lot of money, If after further like this it is like today. "Having also laugh very loudly. When I heard this, I really want to scold him went up, you can see so many people, I will let my mother change Renzhu Qi restaurant. Another time, I saw how a piece of news on the computer: a residence in Shenzhen, Wang, buy online Apple 4, businesses to her bank account and password, say, a thousand dollars there to give she was. Ms. Wang was so confused actually gave the merchant bank account numbers and passwords. Merchant removed from the bank a million, he fled. However, he was later captured by the police to. Fraud in every corner of the world there, so let's learn a few methods to prevent fraud. First, in the face of any property-related things, I use the mind to think clearly it is not fraud. Second, do not give people online banking account and password, because it is a hundred 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e9766b3f51ea551810a6f524ccbff121dd36c5c8.html