
时间:2022-08-11 10:00:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

当然拼音[dāng rán] 副词,表示对某一行为的确认或肯定;表示就是这样、应当这样。那么,你知道爸爸的英文单词怎么写吗? 当然的英文释义: of course only natural as it should be certainly without doubt naturally 当然的英文例句: 是的,当然可以。 Yes, certainly. 如果天气好,当然可以。

Certainly, if the weather is fine. 我当然不答应! I certainly will not!


I will write to you of course, but not every week. 是的,当然。 Yes, of course. 噢,当然可以! Why, of course!


Also other system key performance indications are attached too. 当然,布巴和它的伙伴们也不乏同情者。 Bubba and his pals have their sympathizers.

当然,他们也收获了经验,而这些经验有可能会带给他们成为职业运动员的机会。 And they gain experience that might lead to a chance to play professionally.

你跟我们去吗?当然去了! Will you go with us? Sure! 你当然可以用我的字典了。

You can certainly use my dictionary. 她当然知道如何去勾引这些男人。

She certainly knows how to sex up the men. 这种人当然占少数。

Such persons are certainly in the minority. 当然那是万万不可能的。

Of course it's absolutely impossible. 当然,我也完全不可能成为现在的我。

Though, of course, nothing of me would be at all. 当然,我们都见过。 Sure. We all have. 是的,当然了。 Yes, of course.

当然可以了,我能帮你做什么呢? Sure, what can I do for you? 当然可以了,我能帮她做什么呢?

Sure, what can I do for her? 当然可以了,我能帮做他什么呢? Sure, what can I do for him? 绝不,当然不会。 No, of course not. 当然我们会做。 Of course we do. ,当然不介意. No,of course not. 当然,它为什么要发生呢? Of course, why should it? 我们当然没有。 Sure we have. 当然了,大家都有过。 Sure, we all have.

是的,当然有 ——但是有一些限定。

Yes, of course -- but with qualifications. 当然,为什么不? Sure Why not?


Of course I wish both of you well.

