
时间:2023-09-14 23:06:19 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


You just work hard and God has his own plan. 2、等不到天黑,烟火不会太完美。

Before dark, fireworks will not be perfect. 3、敬往事一杯酒,再爱也不回头。

A cup of wine for the past, love never comes back. 4、一样的人,不一样的人生。

The same person, different life. 5、经常被打击,从未被打到。 Frequently beaten, never hit. 6、蜜蜂在劳作,蜘蛛在经营。 Bees work, spiders work.


You can bow your head, but never give up. 8、迷茫就是才华配不上梦想。

Confusion is that talent is not worthy of dreams. 9、这个世界,没有偶然。

There is no accident in this world. 10、生活不简单,尽量简单过。

Life is not simple, try to be as simple as possible. 11、爱就要争取,忘就要彻底。

Love must be fought for, forgetting must be thorough. 12、我还能笑,我就没事。 I can still laugh, I'm fine. 13、青涩不及当初聚散不由你我。

It's not as green as it was when you and I gathered and dispersed. 14、我没有理想,只有野心。

I have no ideal, only ambition. 15、宁可一无所有,也不去争夺。

Better have nothing than fight for it. 16、因何而生!因何而战!

Why did it come into being? Why fight? 17、要随波逐浪,不可随波逐流。

We must follow the waves, not the waves. 18、要敲当面鼓,莫敲背后锣。

To beat drums in front of one's face, don't beat gongs behind one's back.


If you hesitate for a long time, courage will disappear. 20、前方无绝路,希望在转角。

There is no dead end ahead, hope at the corner.



Avoiding reality can only postpone difficulties. 22、你说他理想?不他是现在呀!

You say he's ideal? No, he is now! 23、黯淡月光,结局被谁遗忘。

Dark moonlight, who forgot the end. 24、最可怕的不是鬼怪,而是人心。

The most terrible thing is not the ghost, but the human heart. 25、对于我在乎的,会用命珍惜。

For what I care about, I will cherish it with my life. 26、不要迷恋哥,嫂子会揍你。

Don't be obsessed with brother, sister-in-law will beat you up. 27、前方无绝路,期望在转角。

There's no dead end ahead. Expectations are at the corner. 28、在哪里存在,就在哪里绽放。 Where it exists, it blossoms. 29、人之因此能,是坚信能。

People can therefore believe in it. 30、让未来到来,让过去过去。

Let the future come, let the past pass. 31、只要面对阳光,阴影就在背后。

As long as you face the sunshine, the shadow is behind you. 32、心象降落伞,打开才有用。

The mind is like a parachute, it is useful to open it. 33、我是一条鱼,等着河流来迎接。

I am a fish, waiting for the river to meet. 34、做事就是在学做人而已。

To do things is to learn to be a man. 35、自我选取的路,跪着也要走完。

The road of self-selection, kneeling to go through. 36、心在移动,如何联通?

The heart is moving, how to connect? 37、我会为我的理想去奋斗。 I will fight for my ideal. 38、不求而得,往往求而不得。

If you don't ask for it, you often don't get it. 39、头脑是日用品,而不是装饰品。

The mind is a commodity, not an ornament. 40、你有远大志向,终会到达远方。

You have great ambitions and will eventually reach a distant place. 41、忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。 Patience is better than brains. 42、真正爱我的人,绝不会离开我。

Those who really love me will never leave me.

