方案设计的英文怎么说 方案设计的英文怎么说 篇一:建筑设计方案、初设及施工图深度(带英文翻译) 2 方案设计 2 Project Design/Concept Design 2.1 一般要求 2.1 General Requirements 2.1.1 方案设计文件 2.1.1 Project design documents 1 设计说明书,包括各专业设计说明以及投资估算等内容; 1 The design specifications include various professional design specifications and investment estimation; for those professions involved with building energy-effective design, the design specification shall include the special content related to the building energy-efficiency; 2 总平面图以及建筑设计图纸(若为城市区域供热或区域煤气调压站,应提供热能动力专业的设计图纸,具体见; 2 The general layout and the building design drawings (for the urban district heating or regional gas pressure-regulating station, professional thermal power design drawings shall be provided, details are shown in Article ; 3 设计委托或设计合同中规定的透视图、鸟瞰图、模型等。 3 The scenograph, bird's-eye view and model specified in the design commission or design contract 2.1.2 方案设计文件的编排顺序 2.1.2 Editing sequence of the project design document 1 封面:写明项目名称、编制单位、编制年月; 1 Cover: project name, preparation units and preparation date 2 扉页:写明编制单位法定代表人、技术总负责人、项目总负责人的姓名,并经上述人员签署或授权盖章; 2 Title page: the name of the legal representative, general technical superintendent and the general project superintendent of the preparation unit, and signed by the above person or authorized with stamp; 3 设计文件目录; 3 design document directory; 4 设计说明书; 4 design specifications; 5 设计图纸。 5 design drawing; 2.2 设计说明书 2.2 Design Specifications 2.2.1 设计依据、设计要求及主要技术经济指标 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/eb59fb3213a6f524ccbff121dd36a32d7375c78f.html