二月的英文单词与标准发音 二月的英文单词:February 发音如音标所示:英 [ˈfebruəri] 美 [ˈfebrueri] 1. 二月 February is the second month of the year in the Western calendar. e.g. He joined the Army in February 1943... 他 1943 年 2 月参军。 e.g. His exhibition opens on 5 February... 他的展览于 2 月 5 日开幕。 二月的英文例句 1. Professor Luger will be travelling to Japan and Korean in February to promote Manchester Business School. 2. Li admitted he's made so many gaffes since he started conducting tour groups in February that he's become the butt of jokes among fellow guides. 3. The rate at which input buying declined accelerated to the fastest since February. 4. China's wind power industry has developed by leaps and bounds in recent years, boosted by the promulgation of the Renewable Energy Law in February 2005. 5. The work was ordered to be halted in February by the Lands Department over a breach of land lease conditions. 6. The lease formalities will be completed by February and run for 40 years. 7. Hung said he hoped the immunoglobulin could be harvested by next January, in order to cope with the winter peak of seasonal flu in February and March. 8. All of them may face charges or disciplinary action for abuses that occurred between late July 2003 and early February 2004. 二月的双语例句 1. Online Pre-registration service will be ended at 23rd February, 2008, exhibitors who do not have email 请妥善管展商证,如有遗失须补发,大会将收取每张10 元的政费,所有款项将拨 2. Founded in February 20XX, the existing plant area of 8000 square meters, staff 280 people. 公司成立于20XX年2月,现有厂房面积8000平方米,员工280人。 3. Yesterday our clients came to us with the request that 20 metric tons of mild steel flat bars be shipped during February and the remainder in March as they are in urgent need of them. 昨天我们的客户向我们提出,由于急需,他们要求20公吨低碳扁钢在2月份装运,余下的在3月份装运。 4. His first play, Love in Several Masques, was produced in February of 1728 at the Drury Lane Theater, with encouraging results. 他的第一出戏,爱在几个假面,产于1728年2月在特鲁里街剧院,与令人鼓舞的成果。 5. Pursuant to our rental agreement of February 10th 20XXwhich has already expired for months and I am giving you two months advance notice to inform you that with effective January 20XX your new rent is HK$8, 000 for another 12 months period, all terms and conditions remain no change. 意思是:我们的租约20XX年2月已经到期,已被你赖了一年,但中华民族度量大,以前的.就算了。从20XX年一月起下个年的租期,每个月新的租金为白银100两。愿不愿意干?只给你俩月回答。 6. The colour pictures, which depict the superheroes in a number of homoerotic poses, were put on display in the gallery in February. 这些水彩画描绘了很多这些超级英雄们的同性恋似的姿势,他们自从2月以来就一直在该画廊展出。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/eb8b74fb50d380eb6294dd88d0d233d4b04e3f9b.html