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單字 E each eagle ear early earn earth east Easter eastern easy eat edge


pron./adj./adv. noun noun adj./adv. verb noun noun/adv./adj. noun adj. adj. verb noun

中文翻譯 例句


各自的,They sell oranges for two pence each.

Eagle is a big size bird. 鷹是一隻大型的鳥。

;The sound of music is pleasant to the ear. , 音樂聲很動聽。

早熟的,They were much earlier than I expected.


,How much do you earn a week? 你一週賺多少錢?


How far is the Earth from the sun?

地球離太陽多遠? 中國東臨太平洋。 Children love Easter Day. 小孩子喜歡復活節。 東部區域今天將有大雨。

【諺】 來得容易去得快. This cake eats crisp. 這種點心吃起來很脆.

朝東的,China faces the Pacific on the east. 復活節

在東面的;Eastern regions will have heavy rain today. 朝東的 鬆的 吃東西

容易的,Easy come, easy go.

,;They lived in a house on the edge of a forest.


培育,養成The government's policy on higher ,知識

education noun

education is a success.

政府的高等教育政策很成功。 The amount of rain affects the growth of crops.


Window screens are effective in keeping out mosquitoes.

紗窗能有效地擋住蚊子。 我決定再作一次努力。

effect noun/verb 影響

effective adj. 有效的

effort noun 努力,奮鬥 I decided to make one more effort.

egg noun ;雞蛋

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. 【諺】 別把蛋全放在一衹籃子裡 (比喻不要孤注一擲).

eight eighteen eighty either either elder elect election

number number number adv.

pron./adj./conj. noun/adj. verb noun

There are eight people in my room. 8個人在我房間。

My sister is eighteen years old. 我妹妹18歲。

My grandmother is eighty years old. 我奶奶80歲。



十八 八十

論哪I don't know either boy. 都不

任何一方 Did you see either of the two boys? 年老的,He is my elder by two years. 去的


,We elected our monitor by a show of hands. 我們舉手選舉了班長。

,Her election to the board of directors caused

electric element elephant

adj. noun noun

great surprise.

她被選進董事會,令人大為吃驚。 我被這根電線電擊了一下。

y. 你說的話有點道理

電的,傳輸I got an electric shock from the wire. 電的,

要素,成分 There is an element of truth in what you sa

You can see some elephants in this zoo.

你可以在動物園看到很多大象。 I usually go to Seven-Eleven. 我常去7-11


eleven else e-mail embarrass emotion emphasize

number adv./adj. noun/verb verb noun



,,He must be joking, or else he is mad. 要不然 電子郵件

局促不安,What you have said embarrassed him. 使尷尬 ,情緒


感激,感動Love, hatred, and grief are emotions.

,恨和悲都是情感。 by waving his hands.

調,The speaker emphasized what he was saying

