我的妈妈英语作文100词 my mother is a typical country woman. once, the country women hardly stopped to take a rest. besides raising the children, they had to till the land and sow. to increase income, they needed to feed pigs and grow vegetables as a sideline. to reduce expenditure, they also had to sew clothes for children in person at night. as far as i can remember, my mother has always been very busy. some of those pictures have left a deep impression on me.one of the scenes was that she asked me and my younger brother to sit quietly in front of the pigsty while she was cleaning up the dung of pigs with my youngest brother on her back. my mother was short. sitting outside of the pigsty and looking inside, we could see only her head standing a little higher than the pigsty. therefore, her and my youngest brother’s heads were rising and falling, as if struggling in the huge waves.another scene was that when the busy farming season came, my father and uncle often ate something before noon to stop hunger while they were working in the fields. the refreshment was salty porridge as usual, which was cooked with last night’s leftovers and unpolished rice. carrying the salty porridge and walking on the only one-foot-wide ridge, my mother took great pains to make for the fields. the bulk of the two buckets which she was carrying were much larger than her size. it seemed as if she were carried by the two buckets rather than she was carrying them. then a high-pitched voice was heard, “hey, come on! come and have salty porridge!” her voice carried quite a few miles away. the other scene was that she would go to the temple, burn joss sticks and worshipped god as long as her children got sick. every time i see her kneeling before bodhisattva for a long time with tightly-closed eyes and muttering prayers in her mouth, i find her face so beautiful that nothing in the world can compare to it. her face is as beautiful as bodhisattva’s on the holy table. no, she is more beautiful than bodhisattva because my mother has real flesh and blood. everyone’s mother is bodhisattva and mother’s heart is like the heart of buddha. because i’ve kept those memories about my mother firmly in my mind, no matter what adversity i come across, i can always exact myself and go forward, with thankfulness. in addition, that’s why i’ve never said a word against my mother since a very young age. 【篇二:我的妈妈作文100字】 我的妈妈作文100字 我的妈妈作文100字(一) 妈妈的忘性很大,尤其是停车的时候。 有一回,我和妈妈把车迁到张家湾小区,因为那里停车不收费,所以车位很紧张。妈妈好不容易找到一个小车位,停了几次才把车勉强停好。我慌慌张张地下车拉着妈妈就跑,我上学就要迟到了呀!妈妈跟着我跑了一会儿就累了,突然她想起了什么似的,往回走。我知道,妈妈肯定是忘了锁了车门没有,我赶紧喊道:“车锁了!”可妈妈不信,她跑回去又锁了一次。回来后又跟我赔礼,还说都是她忘性大。我又被她逗笑了。 这就是我的妈妈,虽然忘性大,但是我很爱她,她也很爱我。 我的妈妈作文100字(二) 我的妈妈有着像新月般的柳眉,发火的时候,眉毛上下抖动,像两条毛毛虫在游动。 我的妈妈眼睛小小的,像两颗黑珍珠,但总能在我的作业本发现不是这里少一笔,就是那里多一画的,像孙悟空的火眼金睛。 我的妈妈有着一个高挺的鼻子,像座小山似的,还很灵敏,每次我和爸爸在家偷吃必胜客时,总能被她发现。 我的妈妈有着像涂着口红似的嘴巴,说话噼噼啪啪,她每天都在说同样的几句话,心肝宝贝、小心、好好学习?? 这就是我的妈妈。 我的妈妈作文100字(三) 我的妈妈有着一双水灵灵的大眼睛,头发是黄色的,卷卷的,洁白的脸上有一些小雀斑。 我的妈妈很爱我,记得一次数学考试,我只考了61分,到了家妈妈就问:“今天考的怎么样?考了多少?”我犹豫了一会儿,我才不情愿的吐出了这些字来:“考了考了61分。”妈妈大惊失色把我拖到房间就打,可是我明白,妈妈打在我身上,可疼在妈妈心里。 还记得妈妈和我睡觉的夜晚中,我踢了无数次被子,可妈妈总是无怨无悔的一次一次的把我的被子重新盖好!! 这就是我的妈妈,一位很爱我的妈妈!! 我的妈妈作文100字(四) 我的妈妈31岁了,头发黑黑的,眼睛大大的,身子有点胖,但是很漂亮。 有一次,妈妈6点钟就起来打扫卫生,洗衣服。妈妈打扫好卫生,就给爸爸去做早餐,还就爸爸起床吃早餐,爸爸吃完早餐,妈妈又马上去洗碗,洗完碗后,妈妈觉得时间还早,就又上床去睡了会儿觉,等时间差不多了,就起床上班去了。 我的妈妈真勤劳,我要向我妈妈学习。 我的妈妈作文100字(五) 我的妈妈长的高高的瘦瘦的是一名非常美丽的英语教师。 她平时非常关心我的学习当我每次要考试之前她都会给我讲很多题,生怕我考不好。有一次,我考了92分妈妈差点被我气死。还说,我的成绩真不稳定!我真粗心!她非常注重我的考试成绩,所以,我的成绩才很好。一直保持前3名。这都是妈妈的功劳呀! 【篇三:三年级英语作文:my mother 我的母亲】 三年级英语作文:my mother 我的母亲 i have a happy family.they are my father, my mother, my grandma and me. i like my mother very much. my mothe is a tall woman.she has black hair.two eyes.a pair of glasses.a small nose.and a small mouth in head. she like wear skirt. so she is a customer.my is a cook,too.she cook delicious dinner everyday .this is my mother. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ec2da7496037ee06eff9aef8941ea76e58fa4ae0.html