
时间:2023-11-05 12:50:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1.你还有自己的事没解决You've got your own problems. 2.作为一名叶天士你知道今天有多重要You're a Leafman.You know how important today is.

3.你知道吗可能我天生就不是这块料You know what?I'm thinking maybe I'm just not cut out for this.

4.问题就在这里你有这个资质That's the problem.You are cut out for it.

5.但我没时间再等你来证明了But I'm tired of waiting for you to prove it.

6.去弄只鸟回月神殿不然你就完了Get a bird and get back to Moonheaven,or you're done.

7.什么你现在不帮我了吗What,you're not going to help me now?

8.如果在森林里待得足够久that if you stand still in the forest long enough...

9.就能看见难以察觉的打斗迹象you'll see signs of a hidden struggle.

10.这是勃勃生机与糜烂腐朽间的暴力斗争Raging between forces of life and decay.
