饰品中的一些英文词汇 Category 仿真首饰:imitation jewelry/ semi-precious(半宝) 真首饰:fine jewelry/precious... 项链:necklace 吊坠:pendant 耳环:earring 胸针:brooch 徽章,胸针:Pin, Tac Pin 手链:bracelet 手镯:bangle 戒指:ring 脚链:anklet 丝巾扣:scarf buckle 头饰:hair accessories 皇冠:tiara Materials 铁片:Findings 合金:Alloy, Casting 铅锡合金:Tin Alloy, White Metal 锌合金:Zinc Alloy 铝合金:Aluminimum 铜:Brass 铁:Steel (Iron) 无铅:Lead Free (LF) 无叻:Nickel Free (NF) 925纯银:925 Sterling Silver 真白金:Plantium 钯:Palladium 塑胶:Plastic 树脂:Resin 炼条:Chains (Brass chains, Steel Chains, Aluminium Chains) 爪链:Rhinestone Chain, Cup chain 耳针耳环:Post Earrings Stud Earrings 鱼勾:Fish hook 法国夹耳钩:Eurowire 扣:Closure, Clasp 龙虾扣:Lobster Clasp O-Ring 穿心扣:Toggle & Bar 单圈:Jump ring 铜珠:Brass bead , Crimp Beads 间隔珠:Spacer bead 扁平珠:Rondelles 火球:Fireball 尾链:Extender 戒圈: Ring shank 可调节戒圈:Adjustable Ring 直径:Diameter 内径:Inner Diameter (ID) 外径:Outer Diameter (OD) 最小订购量:MOQ: Minimum order quantity 磁铁:Magent 绳:Cords 韩国绒:Suede 皮绳:Leather Cord 蜡绳:Thong,wax cord 丝带:Ribbon 羽毛:Feather 九字针 eyepin T字针 headpin Stones/Beads 水晶:Crystals, quartz 水钻: Rhinestone 奥钻:Swarovski 捷克钻:Czech stones 锆石:Cubic Zirconia (CZ) 中国玻璃石:China glass stone 台湾压克力石:Taiwan acrylic stone 国产压克力石:Chinese acrylic stone 水晶胶Crystal resin stones, Clean plastic, Imitation CZ CCB = Copper Coated Beads 猫眼石:Cateyes 亮片:Sequins 米珠:Seedbead 管珠:Bugle 软陶:Femo 陶瓷珠:Ceramic bead 琉璃珠:Merano Glass, Glass with foil 珍珠:Pearl 淡水沟珠:Fresh Water Pearl (FWP)贝売:Shell, MOP=mother of pearl 焗油,滴油:Enamel, Epoxy 1 饰品中的一些英文词汇 Effects 打色珠:Injected Beads 染色珠:Dyed Beads 切割面:Faceted 平面:Flat, Smooth 半旦滑面:Cab, Cabochon 实色:Opaque 哑银:Matte silver 镀金抹黑:Antique gold 镀银抹黑:Antique silver 镀红铜抹黑:Antique copper 镀古金:Gold ox, Burnished gold 镀古银:Silver ox, Burnished silver 镀古青铜:Brass ox, Bronze ox, Burnished Brass, 透明:Transparent 半透明,果冻效果:Translucent 果冻效果钻:frost stone 磨砂珠,哑珠: Matte beads 云彩效果:Milky, Swirl 箔珠:Foil bead 闪粉珠:Glitter bead 金属效果:Metallic 莹光效果:Neon 光泽:Glossy Shapes & Sizes 马眼:Navettes 梨形:Pears 椭圆:Oval 八角形:Octagons Gypsy 镂空:Filigrees 小石头:Chatons = PP stones 假石位:illusions, fake stones Plating 电镀:electroplating,plating 毛胚: Raw samples (=unplated) 烤漆:lacquer 电泳(保护层):electrophoresis, e-coating 电泳(颜色):Anodized 镀亮金:Shiny gold plating 镀亮银:Shiny silver 镀真白金:rhodium plated 镀白K:imitation rhodium 镀枪黑:Hematite = Gunmetal 镀亮黑:Black Plating 镀青铜:Bronze 镀红铜:Copper 镀巧克力色:Chocolate Brown Plating 镀哑黑:Matte black Plating 哑金:Matte gold Burnished Bronze 镀古红铜:Copper ox, Burnished copper 绸缎金:Satin gold 绸缎银:Satin silver KC金:Worn gold Colors (Swarovski Color Chart) 实色黑:jet 透明黑:black diamond 湖蓝:a quamarine 浅兰:lt. sapphire 深蓝:sapphire 墨兰:montana 浅绿:peridot 橄榄绿:olivine 绿锆石:blue zircon 深绿,祖母绿:emerald 浅黄:jonquil 淡黄:Lt. colorado topaz 金黄:Topaz 烟黄:smoked topaz 浅粉:lt. rose 玫瑰红:rose 桃红:fuchsia 红锆石:hyacinth 浅大红:lt. siam 深红:siam 红宝石:ruby 石榴红:garnet 珊瑚红:Coral 浅紫:lt. amethyst 紫色:amethyst 杏色 peach 青柠色lime 浅绿色(薄荷绿)mint 浅紫色 (熏衣草紫)lavendar 土蓝 turq 湖蓝 aqua 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ef3bee352179168884868762caaedd3382c4b55e.html