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它这一生,与英语结婚了,几乎每一天都在和英语对话。下面是店铺给大家整理的关于结婚的英语口语对话,供大家参阅! 关于结婚的英语口语对话:婚姻状况

我还是单身。I’m still single。

我无“家”一身轻。 I have no family to tie me down 她很年轻时就结婚了。She (was/got) married young

我喜欢单身而不是结婚。I prefer being single to being married 他们将在8月喜结连理。They will tie the knot in August 她与一个法国人结婚了。She’s married to a Frenchman。 他们结婚一年后就离异了。They split up after one year of marriage

她再婚了,嫁给了一位有钱人。She is married again to a wealthy man


我们的未来是很美好的。We have a great future 让我永远照顾你吧。Let me take care of you forever 你愿意和我结婚吗?Will you marry me?

他向我求婚时,我吓了一跳。I was shocked when he popped the question

咱们一起白头到老吧。Let’s be together till the end of our lives

你愿意做我的人生伴侣吗?Would you like to be my partner in life?

我想让全世界都知道我们是一对。I want the whole world to know we’re a couple。


Am I too abrupt if I ask you to marry me now?

我计划明年六月份举行婚礼。I plan to hold the wedding next



我不想受到束缚。I don’t want to be chained。 我还不想结婚。I don’t want to get married yet。 我对你的感觉没有超过朋友的界限。

My feelings for you don’t go beyond friendship。 我不想草草结婚。I don’t want to rush into marriage。 我们两个人没有共同点。We have nothing in common 我认为结婚对我没什么好处。I think marriage will do me no good


Marriage means the derogation of my independence 我不想违背自己的意愿去结婚。I don’t want to marry against my will


I must concentrate on my work but not on the marriage 关于结婚的英语口语对话:同意求婚

我会把我全部的爱都给你。I’ll give you all my love。 我愿意跟随你到世界的每个角落。

I’d like to go to every corner of the world with you 我一直都想嫁给像你这样的人。I ’ve always wanted to marry a man like you


If you propose to me right now, I won’t think twice。 能成为你的妻子,我将非常幸福。I’ll be very happy to be your wife


I felt I was standing at the portal of happiness

我也真心实意地爱着你。I love you truly and whole-heartedly, too

我会完全属于你的。 I’ll be entirely yours。 只要你爱我,真的爱我,我什么都不在乎。

As long as you love me, really love me, I won’t care about anything

我都等不及和你结婚了。I can’t wait to marry you。 我爱死他了,所以当然就接受了。

I simply love her to death, so of course I accepted 关于结婚的英语口语对话:婚礼


I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time。 谁将要主持婚礼?Who will officiate at the wedding? 他们在演奏婚礼进行曲了。

They’re playing the Wedding March。 新郎和新娘真是天生的一对。

The groom and bride are perfect for each other

我为这幸福的一对举杯?,愿你们白头偕老。I raise my glass to the happy couple, wishing you a long life together

我希望你们蜜月愉快。I hope you have a great honeymoon 恭喜你们喜结良缘!Congratulations on your marriage! 你们能喜结连理真是太好了!It’s great for you to tie the knot!
