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【期刊名称】《工业用水与废水》 【年(),期】2017(048)005

【摘 要】北方某中心城市再生水厂设计处理规模为1.2m3/d,污水处理采用地下式MBR-纳滤工艺,污泥处理采用带式浓缩和板框压滤脱水工艺,介绍了该再生水厂的工艺流程及设计特点,给出了主要构筑物设计参数及工程效益.工程运行结果表,出水水质同时满足北京市地方标准DB 11/8902012《城镇污水处理厂水污染物排放标准》的A标准和GB/T 189212002《城市污水再生利用景观环境用水水质》的要求.%The scale of a water reclamation plant of a north central city was designed to be 12000 m3/d, the sewage of the plant was treated by underground MBR-nanofiltration process, while the sludge was treated by belt concentration and plate-frame pressure filtration dewatering. The process flow and design characteristics of the said water reclamation plant were introduced, the design parameters of main structures as well as the project benefit were pointed out. The project operation results showed that, the effluent water could meet the require-ments of both A standard of Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater treatment Plants and GB/T 189212002 The Reuse of Urban Recycling Water-Water Quality Standard for Scenic Environment Use simultaneously. 【总页数】4(P83-86)

【作 者】张盛楠;郑波;李瑞贤;吴贝

【作者单位】天津大学 仁爱学院,天津 301636;天津大学 环境科学与工程学院, 300072;天津大学 环境科学与工程学院,天津 300072;北方工程设计研究院有限公司,石家庄 050051;天津大学 仁爱学院,天津 301636 【正文语种】 【中图分类】TU991.2 【相关文献】

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3.全地下式再生水厂CASS-CMF工艺设计要点及难点解析 [J], 张颖;马振强 4.MBR-纳滤工艺在垃圾渗滤液处理中的应用 [J], 江智清 5.某全地下式污水处理厂工程设计 [J], 杜翠红;王先锋;汪炎

