……………………………………………………………最新资料推荐………………………………………………… 三辩初步准备资料 说明:我个人觉得1.1.1~1.1.3比较适合分别向对方一、二、四辩提问题;理由如下:这三个问题比较切题,对方又不易回答,总结的时候可以从多个角度反驳对方的回答。问题1.1.4则是如果根据对方的立论前三个问题不适回答时做出的备选,是比较大的笼统的方面。关于质辩小结1.2,我是从和稀泥的视角简要的总结了一下陈词,明天会跟据实际情况修改一下,如果有辩论常用到的模棱两可的语言可以帮我写在下面。自由辩论2则是准备提问对方的问题。 1 质辩环节 1.1 问题环节 1.1.1 有一种婚姻梯度现象,女的要找比自己高的。如果找到比自己低的,家庭结构就不那么合理。请问正方一辩是如何看等这种现象的? There is a kind of marriage gradient phenomenon, women want to find more than their high. If found than their low, family structure is not so reasonable. I want to ask the first debater how to see this phenomenon? 1.1.2 有很多调查都表明父亲在孩子的体格发育,个性品质的形成,儿童智力发展,生活技能的影响,性别角色正常发展,都有重大的影响。请问正方二辩如何看待这些调查? There are many studies indicate that the father have major effect in the child's physical development, the formation of personality and intellectual development of children, the effects of life skills, sex role in normal development,. I would like to ask the second debater how to view these investigation? 1.1.3 母亲在教育孩子中往往扮演的是辅助作用,也就是说在教育孩子方面,母亲都是配合父亲。对方第四辩手如何解释这种现象? Mother often play in the education of children in a supporting role, that is to say in the education of children, the mother is with the father. How the other fourth debater to explain this phenomenon? 1.1.4 (备选问题)重所周知我们的人类社会有一段是母系社会,如今的这个社会显然是父亲占主导的社会。我们都知道人类的社会文化发展的趋势是不断前进着的,请问正方如何解释? As we all known that our human society is a matriarchal society, the society today is obviously father dominated society. We all know that the human society culture is the development trend is to move forward, I would like to ask how to explain the trend square? 1.2 质辩小结环节 对方辩手们回答的都很精彩,但是有些回答偏离了主题,也没有全面的阐释这些现象,只是从表面说明了一点方面,没有说明这些问题的实质原因。比如:对方第一辩手的回答就不能让人信服,如今的这个社会确实存在婚姻梯度这种现象,对方只是从某个点简要的解释,一般情况下一个点并不能代表一个面,而且这种解释还是站不住脚的,甚至给人一种强词夺理的感觉。至于对方二辩,他的解释只是浅要的,我问到的一些比如XXXX的方面对方并没有体现到,而且像第一辩手一样也是相当的不全面,这种解释只是浅要的表面,我们大家都知道,有时候我们看到的表象并不能反映问题的实质,所以我还是认为父亲在孩子的体格发育,个性品质的形成,儿童智力发展,生活技能的影响,性别角色正常发展,都有重大的影响,而不是母亲。至于对方四辩的回答,他说到了孩子的教育需要父母的配合,这点我比较赞同,但是至于母亲 1 ……………………………………………………………最新资料推荐………………………………………………… 起的作用更大,这点我着实不敢苟同,对方只是从XXXX的角度来证明自己的观点,虽然有时母亲在照顾孩子方面比父亲的时间多一点,但是其实孩子的成长方向大部分还是父亲占主导的。总之对方的回答并不能让人信服他们的观点,我们大家都知道我们人类社会的发展有一段是母系社会,再过渡到现在这个显然以父亲占主导的社会,这是无可辩驳的,那么我们大家也知道,人类社会的发展是前进的,连续的,在大的方向不会出现倒退,这足以说明父亲占主导的社会更加适应如今的这个社会,说明父亲的责任更大,玛莲娜-迪特里希曾说过一句话:“一个认识到自己不称职的国王,可以委托授权或干脆放弃。一个父亲却别无选择。”说明父亲的责任更大,所以父亲在家庭中的影响也显然比母亲更加重要,谢谢! The opposite debaters answer is very exciting, but some answers deviate the theme, there is no comprehensive explanation of these phenomena, just from the surface to show a little respect, did not explain the essence of the reasons for these problems. For example: the other side of the first debater answer was not convincing, marriage gradient phenomenon exist assuredly in the society today, the other is the point from a brief explanation, normally a point and not on behalf of a surface, and this interpretation is untenable, even give a person a kind of use lame arguments and perverted logic feeling. As for the second debater, his explanation only to a shallow, I asked some of the aspects such as XXXX is not reflected to each other, and like the first debater as was quite inadequate, this interpretation is just superficial to the surface, as we all know, sometimes we see does not reflect the essence of the problem, so I think Father in the child's physical development, the formation of personality, intellectual development of children, the effects of life skills, sex role in normal development, has significant influence, but not the mother. As for the fourth debater’s answer, he said with the child's education needs parents', which I agree, but as far as the mother played a bigger role, which I really beg to differ, the other is from the perspective of XXXX to prove his point, although sometimes the mother in the care of children than fathers to spend more time, but in fact, the direction of the children growth is father dominated. In each others answer was not convincing their point of view, we all know that the development of our human society has a matriarchal society, and then transition to now this apparently to father dominated society, this is undeniable, as we all know, the development of human society is advancing, continuous and appear on the big direction will not regress, suffice it to say that father dominated society more adapt to the society today, Marlene Dietrich also has a motto:”A king, realizing his incompetence, can either delegate or abdicate his duties. A father can do neither. ”This shows that the father's greater responsibility.So,I think the influence of his father in the family is also obviously more important than mother, thank you! 2 自由辩论环节 2.1 马克吐温曾经说过一句话:“14岁的时候,我觉得父亲极其无知,我几乎不能忍受和他在一起。但是,等我长到21岁的时候,我惊讶地发现,在过去7年里,他已经学到了那么多东西。”这显然表明父亲在孩子的成长中所起到的重大作用被忽略了,请问对方是否赞同这个观点? Mark Twain once said: "when I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. but when I got to be 21,I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years." This clearly shows that the important role played by the father in a child's development is overlooked, ask the other side agree with this point of view? 2.2 在许多歌颂母亲的事迹当中,我们往往会发现,母亲在里面所扮演的角色往往是父亲。请问对方这是不是说明了父亲对孩子的影响更加重要? In many stories extolling mother, we tend to find that the mother role in that play is often the father. I would like to ask each other this is not that the father is more important influence on children? 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f67e3feeacf8941ea76e58fafab069dc502247de.html