Diligence what is diligence? The dictionary tells us that it is persistent work.Dose persistent work mean that we are to exert ourselves both day and night? No,that is not persistent work. That is labour without cessation. That is an impossibility. We must sleep. Persistent work does not mean no rest, no food and no sleep. Rather, it means no waste of time ,or careful use of time for the purpose of improvement . That is to say, we are diligent if we know how to employ our time in order to reach a definite end. We now know what diligence is. Let us to know its importance. Diligence is the key to success. Many of us , however, are ignorant of the truth. We believe in luck. We think that there is plenty of time ahead of us , so we idle awsy much of our time in youth. That is a great mistake. Luck never comes to any lazy person, and time is ever fleeting. In our preparation for life’s work, we must be diligent , or work persistently. If we are diligent now, we shall be successful in future. If we are idle now, our future life will be a failure . It is just like sowing and reaping. The farmer that reaps abundantly in the autumn sows diligently in the spring. Diligence is a good habit; for ,without it , no one can accomplish anything. 勤奋 勤奋是什么?字典告诉我们,它是持久的工作。持久的工作意味着我们不分昼夜的消耗自己吗?不,那不是持久的工作。那只是没有停止的劳动。这是不可能的,我们必须睡觉。持久的工作并不意味着没有休息,没有食物和睡眠。相反,它意味着珍惜时间,或合理使用时间从而达到目的。也就是说,我们不仅要勤奋,还要知道如何利用好时间达到明确的目的。 现在我们知道什么是勤奋。让我们知道它的重要性。勤奋是成功的关键。 勤奋是成功的关键。然而,我们中有好多人忽视了这条真理。我们相信运气。我们认为今后有的是时间,因此我们年轻时浪费了许多大好时光。那是个很大的错误。运气从不降临到懒汉的身上,而时间永远在飞驰。在为一生的事业做准备的过程中,我们一定要勤奋,要坚持不懈地工作。如果现在我们努力了,则将来我们会取得成功。如果我们现在懒散,则未来的生活就会失败。这正如播种和收割一样,农民在春天辛勤播种,就能在秋天丰收。 勤奋是个好的习惯;因为没有它,任何人都休想干好一件事。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f76da5a5db38376baf1ffc4ffe4733687e21fc26.html