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在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是小编为大家收集的我的学校英语作文4篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 我的学校英语作文 1

My school is big and beautiful. There are two classroom buildings in my school. We have classes in the classroom. The classrooms are in the classroom building. There is a playground in my school. We have sports and play on the playground. There is a dining hall in my school. We eat lunch in the dining hall. There are a lot of trees and flowers in my school. I like my school very much.

我的学校又大又漂亮。我学校有2个教室。我们在教室里上课。教室在教室里。我的学校有一个操场。我们在操场上运动和玩耍。我的学校有一个食堂。我们在食堂吃午饭。我学校有许多树和花。我非常喜欢我的学校。 我的学校英语作文 2

First here is our favourite place our beautifui garden many trees and many flowers in it. Then you can go into it .Now,you know why we love it right .we can write red and chat in it.

Now,I will tell you more about my friends &teachers. Over here teachers are friendly to us,so we never say a bad word about them.Because of these,students can get good grades at my school.

I think my school is one of the best schools in the world.Because we have good teachers good students and everything is beautiful. I like it, every at it likes it.

我的学校英语作文 3

I study in the No.1 Primary School. It's one of the best primary schools in my city. There are four buildings in campus.Two of them are teaching buildings. The other two are library and gym. The teaching buildings are huge and the classroom is large and bright. There are plenty of books in the library. I like reading books in the library. After class, students like playing in the gym. It’s a popular place after class. Besides, our teachers are great. They care much about students. I am happy to study in my school.

我就读于我们市的第一小学,那是我们这最好的一所小学。学校共有四栋建筑,两栋是教学楼,另外两栋分别是图书馆跟体育馆。我们的教学楼非常宏伟壮观,教室也是又宽敞又明亮。图书馆里面有很多藏书,所以我非常喜欢在那读书。课间时候,同学们都喜欢在体育馆里玩,那儿可是个热闹场所。另外,我们的老师也非常好,对学生都很关心。我喜欢在这所学校读书! 我的学校英语作文 4

Round hill elementary school, the school's name we all one hundred years of history is a primary school.

Together into the school, is white marble stone into three tall monument, with Confucius, Albert Einstein, leonardo Da Vinci. Walk a few steps saw with crystal glass, glass table has Einstein not statue of Lao tzu and Confucius, inspire us to study harder.

Go forward along the campus path, you will see the hallway with a row of purple vines flower, here is a row of benches, marble vault with the stainless steel frame is arched above. Spring, wisteria out new shoots, long out of the green leaves. Summer, wisteria branches grow the most flourishing, the thick layers of branches in the hot summer sun, the students to read in her arms, play. In the fall, dark green leaves like lentils out of fruit. Not
