
时间:2022-04-18 12:07:40 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


The story is quite short but impressive.?The wife who is afflicted with a heart trouble hears her husband's death.?She weeps at once, while heart goes free. Alone, she reflects her life as a wife oppressed by her husband's powerful will. Rejoicing in freedom, death helps her defeat the tyranny in her family.?Hoping in a better life, the whole world becomes adorable.?When she appears in the public again, at that moment, as the author says "there was a feverish triumph in her eyes, and she carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of Victory".?

Until now, everything seems perfectly gratifying.?A human being lives up to the command of Isaiah to "undo the heavy burdens- let the oppressed go free".?As usual, the author has foreseen that a happy ending story is a less than satisfactory.?Here comes the dramatic change.?The "forever gone" husband returns.?The king will regain his throne.?The wife will retreat to the corner.?Beholding the man walking bodily into the room, the joyful wife hearts the crashing of her dreamy future.?

A weak heart can't take the two opposite extremes.?Then, she dies suddenly, while expectedly.?The doctor says she dies of heart disease-of joy the kills.?While sarcastically, not joy kills, but despair counts.
