
时间:2023-11-03 16:50:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. The Chinese people are very_________(friend) to foreigners.2. I want to know how to eat and drink __________. (health)3. The ________(watch) are Lily and Lucy’s.4. I think it'll be_________(sun) tomorrow

afternoon.5. He has gone to the ________(teachers) office.6. The doctor tried his best to save many people’s _________(life).7. We can see many_________(sheep) in the Australian farm.8. Tim did badly in the exam. John did even ______(badly).9. What kind of meat is ________(popular) in China, pork, beef or chicken?10. Are your parents _________(interesting) in swimming?11. I am ill. I feel very ___________(comfortable).12. I have a friend from Korea._________(he) name is Jim.13. They did all the work by________(they).14. The professor will give __________(they) a talk the day after tomorrow.15. We really enjoyed _________(we) during our stay in Beijing.16. A friend of __________(I) will come to our school next Friday.17. I'm sorry to keep you_________(wait).18. The bottle is ___________(break).19. Her aunt is a famous _________(piano) in our country.20. The Yellow River is the_________(two) longest river in China.21 She is a good student she is ______ (hard) ever late for school.

22. We wash our hair ______ (two)a week.

23. Junk food is not good for our ______(healthy) . 24. This picture is ____________from that onecan you tell me the d_______ between the two pictures(difference) 25. My mother has a healthy lifestyleshe eats ______ (little) junk food but more vegetables.

26. Can she work out the math problem________(she)

27. Can you give me some ______ (advise) on how to study English well 28. ______ (tradition)Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang.

29.I_________(like) this movie.Because it’s boring . 30.His__________(die) makes me very sad.

31.Liuxiang is one of the __________(win) in the Olympic sports. 32.I feel________ (true) sorry about this matter. 33.Is the __________(serve)of that restaurant good?

34.Sally thinks game shows are more_________(education) than sitcoms. 35.We had a ___________ (discuss) about TV shows. 36.He became very rich and_____________(success).

37.Mickey was___________(luck) and has many problems such as losing his house… 38.I want to be a basketball____________(play) when he grows up.

39.The first resolution is about my own____________(person) improvement. 40.I think there will be more____________(pollute) in 20years.

41.scientists are now trying to make robots like__________(human) ang do the same things as we do. 1/3

42.this was not possible 20years ago,but computers also seemed___________(possible) 100years ago.

43.They help with the house work and do jobs like working in dirty or__________(danger) places. 44.At this time,people also remember the first___________(travel) from England.

45.I’dstillbe glad to help out with any of the party___________(prepare),like planning the games. 46.Bingms Steen to the party without telling her so that she can be________(surprise). 47.In the ene,she talked to her parents and they were really___________(understand). 48. I'm looking forward to ______(hear) from you soon. 49Tom______(can)come to my party because he is ill. 50Thank you for your______(invite)

UNIT 1 What’s the matter?


1. There’srain on the road, so she should drive carefully. A.too muchB.too manyC.much tooD.many too 2.My father likes teanothing in it. A.ofB.withoutC.withD.have

3.You should look after,classmates.

A.yourselvesB.yourselfC.herselfD.himself 4.You shouldn’t make mistakes. A.in same way B.at same way

C.in the same way D.at the same way 5.I saw himwhen I passed by. A.ranB.runC.runsD.running

6.We should be careful when wethe bus. A.get downB.get outC.get upD.get off 7.Did you catch your plane? Yes. We got there just. A.on time B.at times C.in time D.in the time 8.He often thinksthings before he makes a decision. A.aboutB.ofC.outD.over

9. It is unhealthy for you ______ so late every night.

A. sleep B. sleeping C. slept D. to sleep 10 What did you buy?

I bought ____ medicine for my mother.

A. few B. little C. some D. many 11. Smoking is bad for your health. You should.

A.give up itB.give up them C.give it upD.give them up 12.I don’t know if hetomorrow. If he, please let me know.

A.willcome;comesB.willcome;will comeC.comes;comesD.comes;will come 13. I think I should keep onthe guitar at home. A.play B.to playC.playedD.playing

14.The cat is.You should take it to an animal hospital. A.deadB.deathC.dyingD.died 2/3
