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阳光代表着希望与美好,我们每一天都希望生活充满阳光,那你知道表示阳光的英文有哪些吗?下面是店铺为你整理的表示阳光的英文,希望大家喜欢! 表示阳光的英文

1.sunshine 2.sun

3.[] sunlight 4.shine 5.sunbeam sunshine造句

1. Every day of sunshine strengthens the feelings of optimism. 每天晒太阳让人心情更加开朗。

2. The air was thin and crisp, filled with hazy sunshine and frost.


3. Bob woke slowly to sunshine pouring in his window. 直到阳光从窗外泻入,鲍勃才慢慢醒来。

4. The leaves are inclined to scorch in hot sunshine. 叶子在酷热的阳光下容易枯黄。

5. I awoke next morning to brilliant sunshine streaming into my room.

第二天早晨我醒来时房间里洒满了灿烂的阳光。 6. Inside it's gloomy after all that sunshine. 尽管阳光明媚,里面依然暗淡无光。

7. In the marina yachts sparkle in the sunshine. 码头上游艇在阳光下闪闪发光。

8. Cuba has a tropical climate with year-round sunshine. 古巴属于热带气候,终年阳光明媚。

9. I got dressed and emerged into glorious sunshine. 我穿好衣服,走进灿烂的阳光中。

10. Morning sunshine flooded in through the open curtains. 清晨的阳光透过拉开的窗帘照射进来。 sunlight的例句

1. A brilliant shaft of sunlight burst through the doorway. 一束耀眼的阳光从门口照射进来。

2. All colour fades especially under the impact of direct sunlight.


3. The curtains were half drawn to cut out the sunlight. 窗帘拉上了一半以遮挡阳光。

4. Ancient civilizations believed in the curative powers of fresh air and sunlight.


5. I saw her sitting at a window table, bathed in sunlight. 我看见她坐在靠窗的桌旁,沐浴在阳光中。

6. Like a telescope it has a curved mirror to collect the sunlight.


7. The sunlight is white and blinding, throwing hard-edged shadows on the ground.

阳光明亮刺眼,在地上投下轮廓分明的影子。 8. It lets sunlight in but doesn't let heat out. 它吸收阳光,但并不释放热量。

9. A ray of sunlight thrust out through the clouds. 一缕阳光透过云层照射下来。

10. He used his left hand as a shield against the reflecting sunlight.

