National Day英语外语双语国庆节电子小报欢度国庆手抄报模板歌颂祖国妈妈板报金秋十月颂祖国热爱祖国海报A4

时间:2022-04-06 12:07:43 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

From 1971 to 1983, the annual October 1, Beijing is to a large gathering of the Garden, and other forms of celebrating the National Day, not to conduct mass demonstrations. In 1984, the National Day 35th anniversary, held a grand celebration of National Day military parade and mass demonstrations.


National day, the national day, celebrating the country. The birthday wish you good mood every day happy, eternal happiness!


In this season of heavy fragrance, pleasant day across the country, there is a feeling worried about is, there is a miss is thinking. Sincerely wish you a happy national day.


December 2, 1949, the Central People's Government, the fourth meeting of the Committee to accept the recommendations of the CPPCC National Committee adopted the "Resolution on the National Day of The People's Republic of China" and decided to October 1 each year, namely, The People's Republic of China was proclaimed a great day, for The People's Republic of China National Day.




The National Day is each national important holiday, but the name has

differently. Many countries are called "the National Day" or "the National Festival", but also has some countries to call "the independent date" or "the independent festival", also some calling "republican date", "republic date", "revolutionary date", "liberation date", "national revival festival", "constitution date" and so on, but also has directly to the country's name adds on "the date", like "the Australian date", "the Pakistani date", some take king's birthday or ascends the base date as the National Day, in case king changes, National Day specific date also along with it replacement.

国庆节是每个国家的重要节日,但名称有所不同。许多国家叫 “国庆节”或“国庆日”,还有一些国家叫“独立日”或“独立节” 也有的叫“共和日”“共和国日”“革命日”“解放日”“国家复 兴节”“宪法日”等,还有直接以国名加上“日”的,如“澳大利 亚日”“巴基斯坦日”,有的则以国王的生日或登基日为国庆日,如


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