有条不紊的反义词是什么 在汉语中,有些词的意义相反或者互相对立。我们把这样的词叫作反义词。学期即将来临,童鞋们将又面临一轮的复习,现店铺精心整理了一些关于有条不紊的反义词,希望可以帮助你提高语文知识的积累! 有条不紊 相关的反义词: 乱七八糟 颠三倒四 理路不清 杂乱无章 中文解释: 【解释】:紊:乱。形容有条有理,一点不乱。 【出自】:《尚书·盘庚上》:“若网在纲,有条而不紊。” 【示例】:听上去倒也是原原本本,~。 ◎清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第五十六回 英文解释 everything in good order and well arranged;in perfect order;all in good order without confusion;arranged in an orderly way;systematically ; 例句 他有条不紊地治理那个镇子. He just clears up that town. 她从容、镇静,把每一件事情都安排得有条不紊。 She was steady and calm, and kept things goingin good order. 宝马在中国的成功归功于德国企业有条不紊的长远眼光,以及这家汽车制造商产品杰出的技术品质。 Bmw's success in china is a tribute to the methodical, long-term outlook of german business as well as to the outstanding technicalquality of the carmaker's products. 加强工作的条理性,可以让你做到有条不紊。 Becoming more organized in your working style can help make for a smoother sail at work. 这还将巩固奥巴马在压力之下仍能平静和有条不紊地进行决策的名声,这个特点从他的绰号“没有戏剧化表现的奥巴马”可见一斑。 It will also cement the president's reputation for making decisions in a calm and methodical manner under pressure, embodied inhis nickname of "no-drama obama". 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f99b2c35ff4ffe4733687e21af45b307e971f94a.html