跤怎样组词才对 跤组词; 摔跤、自由式摔跤、古典式摔跤、撂跤、跌跤、摔跤运动、栽跤、滑跤、摔跤子、贯跤、仰巴跤 部首笔画 部首: 足 部外笔画: 6 总笔画: 13 五笔86: khuq 五笔98: khur 仓颉: rmyck 笔顺编号: 2512121413434 四角号码: 60148 郑码: jioo Unicode: CJK 统一汉字 U+8DE4 字形结构 汉字首尾分解: 足交 汉字部件分解: 足亠六乂 笔顺编号: 2512121413434 笔顺读写: 竖折横竖横竖横捺横撇捺撇捺 中英例句 你听说过在同一个地方摔两跤吗? Haven't you ever heard of making two trips? 不过,这两跤之间有几个不同之处。 There were, however, a couple of differences between the tumbles. 何鸿下月将年满89岁,他去年摔了一大跤,从那之后投资者一直在猜测,一旦他过世,他的四位妻子和17个子女中,谁将接掌他的商业帝国。 Mr ho, who turns 89 next month, suffered a severe fall last year, and since then investors have been kept guessing as to who among his four wives and 17 children will take over his business empire once he passes away. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f9ffe65b02f69e3143323968011ca300a7c3f673.html