名著英文怎么说 推荐文章 30的英文怎么读 热度: 巴黎铁塔用英语怎么说 热度: 完美的英文怎么说怎么写 热度: 烦恼用英语怎么说 热度: 秘书的英文怎么说英语是什么 热度: 著就是指具有较高艺术价值和知名度,且包含永恒主题和经典的人物形象,能够经过时间考验经久不衰,被广泛认识以及流传的文字作品。能给人们已警世和深远影响的著作,以及对世人生存环境的感悟。那么你知道名著用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 名著的英语说法1: masterpiece 名著的英语说法2: masterwork 名著的英语说法3: famous book 名著的相关短语: 中国名著 Chinese Classics ; Chinese master pieces 名著导读 Outline of great books 名著阅读 famous works reading 杰作名著 masterpiece 英语名著 English masterpieces 名著的英语例句: 1. "Robinson Crusoe" is one of the most famous books in the world. 《鲁宾逊漂流记》是一本世界名著。 2. The book designer will have to redo the masterpieces layouts. 图书设计者将不得不重做这部名著的版面设计. 3. This book is a real masterpiece. 这本书是真正的名著. 4. In this masterpiece is embodied his life - time of painstaking work. 这部名著凝聚着他毕生的心血. 5. More and more blue - ribbon lists have to be made. 越来越多的名著佳作书目有待选定. 6. Robinson Crusoe is a classic. 《鲁滨逊漂流记》是一部名著. 7. He recommended me a classic book on Buddhism. 他向我推荐了一本有关佛教的经典名著. 8. Great Books are popular, not pedantic. They are not written by specialists about specialties for specialists. 名著绝不引经据典,艰深难懂, 而是通俗易读. 它们不是专家为专业人员撰写的专业书籍. 9. Gergory Bateson's awkward classic, Naven , a study of ritual among a New Guinea people. 格雷戈里·贝特森的难读的名著《纳文人》是对新几内亚的一个民族中的礼仪的研究. 10. With the above quotation, Alfred Marshall opens his famous " Principles of Economics ". 阿弗里德·马歇尔用上面所引的话开始了他的名著《经济学原理 》. 11. Gergory Bateson's awkward classic, " Naven " , is a study of ritual among a New Guinea people. 格雷戈里?贝特森的难读的名著《纳文人》是对新几内亚的一个民族中的礼仪的研究. 12. He used to think Cliff Notes were for the intellectual posers. 他过去曾认为克利夫名著解读是聪明人看的书. 13. At 18, Vicky read the famous " cycling diary " of Hu Rong - hua. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/fbbe7e5fb007e87101f69e3143323968011cf4eb.html