瑞士苏黎世大学全额奖学金 苏黎世经济学院供应三个全额奖学金,优秀的学术价值的根底上,于2022九月参加。这些全额奖学金是开放的国际毕业生,使他们走上博士的讨论在苏黎世经济学院。瑞银中心奖学金生活费和全部的费用。助学金掩盖的生活费用是由瑞士国家科学基金会的指导,目前为42瑞士法郎万每年为第一年的博士生,增加CHF 48万每年为第三年和第四年的博士生。 Study Subject (s): Scholarships are awarded within the Zurich Graduate School of Economics. While preference may be given to students whose research plans include areas of interest of the UBS International Center of Economics in Society, applications from all areas are welcomed. 讨论对象(s):奖学金在苏黎世经济学院。而偏好可能会给学生的讨论打算包括经济学关于社会瑞银国际中心感兴趣的领域,从各个领域的应用是很受欢送的。 Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing doctoral studies at the Zurich Graduate School of Economics. 课程等级:奖学金是供应给追求在苏黎世经济讨论所博士后讨论。 Scholarship Provider: Zurich Graduate School of Economics, University of Zurich 奖学金供应者:苏黎世经济学院,苏黎世大学 Scholarship can be taken at: Switzerland 奖学金可以实行在:瑞士 Eligibility: -Scholarships are open to graduates from around the world, they are awarded to candidates on the grounds of outstanding academic merit and continuing support will be subject to satisfactory completion of course work. While preference may be given to students whose research plans include areas of interest of the UBS International Center of Economics in Society, applications from all areas are welcomed. 资格:-奖学金是开放的毕业生来自世界各地,他们授予候选人对优秀学术价值的理由和持续的支持将受圆满完成课程作业。而偏好可能会给学生的讨论打算包括经济学关于社会瑞银国际中心感兴趣的领域,从各个领域的应用是很受欢送的。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/fcd5cda7fe0a79563c1ec5da50e2524de518d063.html