
时间:2022-04-23 12:06:25 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


光阴似箭,日月如梭,时间真是一个捉弄人的玩意儿,挥一挥手,动一动她的小钟,十年就过去了!如今我又来到了我的故------高要 20年后的汽车,时不时都飞在天上。 我开着我的神舟六号,回到了高要,我把神舟六号的机窗打开了,就有一股香气飞到了我的机舱内,我一下了神舟六号,就见四处没人,我心想以前我小的时候,这里很多人的,为什么现在都没有老人了?我又记得以前这里是老人的乐园,就只有我自己漫步在街上见那些时候的环境是没有那么漂亮。

Time flies like an arrow. Time is really a trick. Wave your hand and move her little clock. Ten years have passed! Now I come to my hometown - Gaoyao 20 years later, the car, sometimes flying in the sky. I drove my Shenzhou VI back to Gaoyao, I opened the window of Shenzhou VI, and a fragrance flew to my cabin. When I stepped on Shenzhou VI, I saw no one around. I thought that when I was a child, there were many people here, why there were no old people now? I also remember that it used to be a paradise for the elderly. I was the only one walking on the street to see that the environment was not so beautiful.
