特殊符号(同一符号) 这是一些有特殊意义的点划组合。它们由二个字母的摩尔斯电码连成一个使用,这样可以省去正常时把它们做为两个字母发送所必须的中间间隔时间。 AR:·—·—·(停止,消息结束) AS:·—···(等待) K:—·—(邀请发射信号)(一般跟随AR,表示“该你了”) SK:···—·—(终止,联络结束) BT:—···—(分隔符) 特殊符号(非同一符号) ···—·(我将重新发送最后一个单词) ·· ··(同样) ········(错误) 常用缩写 缩写和同一符号不同,缩写保留着字元中间的间隔,它们并没有被连成一个使用。 A - All after (问号后用于请求重复) AB - All before (同样) ARRL - American Radio Relay League(美国无线电中继联盟) ABT - About(关于) ADS - Address(地址) AGN - Again(再一次) ANT - Antenna (天线) BN - All between(之间的所有) BUG - Semiautomatic key(半自动的关键) C - Yes(是,好) CBA - Callbook address(呼号手册) CFM - Confirm(确认) CLG - Calling(拨打) CQ - Calling any station(连络任一站台) CUL - See you later(待会见) CUZ - Because(因为) CW - Continuous wave(连续波) CX - Conditions(状况) DE - From(来自) DX - Distance (sometimes refers to long distance contact)(长程通讯) ES - And (和) FB - Fine business (类似于“确定”) FCC - Federal Communications Commission(美国联邦通信委员会) FER - For (为了) FREQ - Frequency(频率) GA - Good afternoon or Go ahead (depending on context)(午安) GE - Good evening(晚安) GM - Good morning(早安) GND - Ground (ground potential)(地表) GD - Good(好) HI - Laughter(笑;笑声) HR - Here(这里) HV - Have(有) LID - Poor operator(可怜的运营商) MILS - Milliamperes(毫安) NIL - Nothing(无) NR - Number(编号) OB - Old boy(老男孩) OC - Old chap(老兄) OM - Old man (any male amateur radio operator is an OM)(任何男性业余无线电操作员是一个OM) OO - Official Observer (官方观察员) OP - Operator(操作员) OT - Old timer(老手) OTC - Old timers club (老前辈俱乐部) OOTC - Old old timers club (老老前辈俱乐部) PSE - Please(请) PWR - Power(功率) QCWA - Quarter Century Wireless Association (四分之一世纪无线协会) R I - acknowledge or decimal point (承认或小数点)(根据上下文确定) RCVR - Receiver(接收器) RPT - Repeat or report)(重复或报告)(根据上下文确定) RST - Signal report format (Readability-Signal Strength-Tone)(收讯指标) RTTY - Radio teletype (无线电电传) RX - Receive(接收) SAE - Self addressed envelope (自我处理的信封) SASE - Self addressed, stamped envelope (自我解决,盖章信封) SED - Said(说) SEZ - Says (说) SIG - Signal(讯号) SIGS - Signals (信号) SKED - Schedule(行程) SN - Soon(很快=不久将来) SOS -(紧急呼救=国际通用) SRI - Sorry(抱歉) STN - Station(电台) TEMP - Temperature(气温) TMW - Tomorrow(明日) TNX - Thanks(感谢) TU - Thank you(感谢你) TX - Transmit(发射器) U - You (你) UR - Your or you're (您或您已经)(根据上下文确定) URS - Yours (你的) VY - Very (非常) WDS - Words (词) WKD - Worked (工作) WL - Will (将) WUD - Would (会) WX - Weather(天气) XMTR - Transmitter(发射机) XYL - Wife(妻子) YL - Young lady (used of any female)(年轻女子) 73 - Best regards(最好的祝福) 88 - Love and kisses(爱与吻之告别)(注意应该使用在“异性”之间) 99 - go way(被要求离开,非友善) 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/fe105a601ed9ad51f01df228.html