amonster 翻译

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amonster 翻译

"amonster" 的中文翻译是 "怪物"。怪物一词常用于描述那些具有超自然、威胁人类或者不寻常特征的生物。下面是一些关于怪物的常见用法和中英文对照例句:

1. The movie is about a group of teenagers who encounter a terrifying monster in the abandoned mansion. (这部电影讲述了一群青少年在废弃的豪宅中遭遇到一只可怕的怪物。)

2. The legendary Loch Ness Monster is believed to inhabit the deep waters of Loch Ness in Scotland. (传说中的尼斯湖怪物被认为栖息在苏格兰尼斯湖的深水中。)

3. The villagers were terrified when they saw the enormous monster emerging from the dark forest. (当村民们看到巨大的怪物从黑暗的森林中出现时,他们感到恐惧。)

4. The scientist conducted experiments on genetically modified animals, creating a new breed of monsters. (科学对基因改造动物进行了实验,创造出了一种新的怪物品种。)

5. The little boy was scared of monsters under his bed, so his parents bought him a night light. (这个小男孩害怕床底下有怪物,所以他的父母给他买了一盏夜灯。)

6. In mythology, Medusa is a famous monster with snakes for hair and the ability to turn people to stone with her gaze. (


7. The protagonist of the video game must defeat a series of powerful monsters to save the world. (这个视频游戏的主角必须击败一系列强大的怪物来拯救世界。)

8. The horror novel is filled with suspenseful encounters between the main characters and various monsters. (这本恐怖小说充满了主要角色与各种怪物之间充满悬念的遭遇。)

9. The hunters set traps in the forest to catch the elusive monster that had been terrorizing the nearby village. (猎人们在森林中设置陷阱来捕捉一直在附近村庄造成恐慌的难以捉摸的怪物。)

10. The children dressed up as monsters for Halloween and went trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. (孩子们在万圣节时装扮成怪物,到附近的街道上进行"不给糖就捣蛋"的活动。)
