短袖t恤的英文单词 在酷热的夏天,短袖T恤是街拍、约会的必备潮流单品。近几年也推出了多款短袖T恤,有简约风格,也有各种图案的T恤。它是T恤的一种衍生,为了适应炎的夏季的温度,既保证了舒适也保证可用性。那么,你知道短袖T恤的英语单词怎么说吗? 短袖T恤的英语释义: short-sleeved T-shirt 短袖T恤的英语例句: 他戴着眼镜,穿着一件蓝色的有衣领扣的短袖T恤。当飞机起飞时,他十分的焦躁不安。 He wore glasses and a short-sleeved blue button-down shirt, and he was fidgetinganxiously as the plane took off. 老太太身穿一件已经褪色的上衣,老先生身穿工作裤,上身穿格子短袖T恤。 She wore a faded, swirled-patterned dress and her husband had on work pantsand a checkered, short-sleeved shirt. 而且,就算在北京寒冷的冬天,餐厅严格地坚持其全球统一的着装规定,员 工在上班的时候应该穿短袖 T 恤。 Furthermore, during Beijing’s cold winter, the restaurant strictly insisted onobservance of its worldwide regulation that worker should wear short-sleeved T- shirts on duty. 难以置信的时尚桃红短袖T恤 有织纹头骨和交叉骨头图案让T恤魅力无穷 纯棉的质地让你整天穿着都很舒服。 Fabulous fashion. She'll love this girls' Abbey Dawn skull tee. Short sleeves. Infuchsia. Textured skull and crossbones graphics offer edgy appeal. 逛过大型商场的人都会有这样的感觉:夏天进商场,穿一件短袖T恤感觉就像进了冰窖,而服务员却穿着外套; Those large shopping centres will have such a feeling : summer into shoppingmalls, wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt into the icehouse feel like, and who arewearing jackets; 看看有没有您喜欢的情侣装短袖T恤吧! See if you like the sweethearts outfit short sleeve T-shirt! 她穿着短袖粉色T恤,蓝色带扣短裙,头戴红色发卡,脚上穿着白色的靴子,很漂亮。 She wears a pink, short sleeved T-shirt and a blue skirt with buttons on it. 她穿着短袖粉色T恤,蓝色带扣短裙,头戴红色发卡,脚上穿着白色的靴子,很漂亮。 She wore a pink short- sleeved T shirt, blue buckle kilt, wearing a red card issuers, feet wearing white boots, very beautiful. 褶裥短裤可搭配合身的T恤,短袖或长袖开衫以及坡跟鞋。 Wear pleated shorts with a fitted tee, a short-sleeved or long-sleeved cardiganand wedges. 出生在英国的设计师鲁弗斯•阿尔比马尔(RufusAlbemarle)宣称:“只有T恤和马球衫可以是短袖。”去年,他推出了手工缝制衬衫系列。 “Only T-shirts and polo shirts can have short sleeves”, declares Rufus Albemarle,the British-born designer who last year launched a collection of hand-stitchedshirts. 研究小组让50名医生穿着刚刚洗净的短袖T恤开始工作,让另外的50个医生则穿着未洗的长袖白大褂。 They had 50 doctors start a workday wearing a freshly washed short-sleeve shirtand another 50 in their unwashed long-sleeved white coats. 主办机构为学员提供4件训练用短袖T恤。 We will provide the students with 4 short sleeve T-shirts. 此款女款短袖T恤上印有绿色桃心小刺绣绿色桃心在左侧胸部位置只可以手洗日本制造。 Short sleeve white cotton T-shirt from Commes des Garçons PLAY, featuring a round neck and an embroidered green heart with eyes on the left breast. 此款女款短袖T恤上印有绿色桃心小刺绣绿色桃心在左侧胸部位置只可以手洗日本制造。 Short sleeve white cotton T-shirt from Commes des Garçons PLAY, featuring a round neck and an embroidered green heart with eyes on the left breast. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ff2e3b3f5c0e7cd184254b35eefdc8d376ee1436.html