跺脚英语怎么说 跺脚指脚用力踏地,表示着急、生气、悔恨等情绪。如:一想起窦神父的神气,我真想跺脚一走,去给中国人争点气。那么你知道跺脚用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 跺脚英语说法1 stomp 跺脚英语说法2 stamp 跺脚英语说法3 stamp one's feet 跺脚的英语例句: 她气得直跺脚。 She stamped her foot with fury. 观众又是跺脚,又是欢呼。 The audience were stamping and cheering. 他又皱眉头又跺脚表示生气。 He frowned and stamped his feet to portray anger. 她一生气就会直跺脚。 She stamps her foot when she is really mad. 跺脚使其怨望和恐惧噤声。 Trampling to silence their loud hopes and fears. 当我生气的时候我跺脚。 I stamp my foot when I'm angry. 两只小猴子,在床上跺脚. Two little monkeys, Stamping on the bed, 这生气的孩子跺脚呢。 The angry boy stamped the ground. 她一生气就会直跺脚。 She stamps her foot when she is really mad. 我们跺脚取暖。 We stamped the ground to keep our feet warm. 那女孩一发脾气就跺脚。 That child stamps her foot when she is in a passion. 你不耐烦的跺脚吓不到我。 Your stamp of impatient won't give me scare. 进屋前他跺跺脚来抖落靴子上的雪。 Before entering the house he stamped his feet to shake the snow off his boots. 他又敲了敲门,等了一会儿,可还是没人开门。于是,他跺跺脚,满腹牢骚地走开了。 He knocked again and waited, but nobody opened the door.Then he stamped off, growling as he went. 埃尼斯默然不语,缓缓站直身子,轻轻摸了摸自己的额头。一只马在车上跺脚。 Ennis said nothing, straightened up slowly, rubbed at his forehead; a horse stamped inside the trailer. 凯特琳证明了对于大象来说,如果它们能跺脚,它们就不需要购买长途电话套餐。 Caitlin is proving that for elephants, they don't need a long-distance calling plan if they can just stomp. 公交车还没有踪影,只好无奈在寒冷中苦等,唯一能做的就是徒劳的跺脚搓手,好让自己感到一丝微弱的温暖。 Bus no trace, no choice but to wait in the cold, the only stamp one's foot can do is futile hand-wringing, so feel faint hint of warmth. 很多人,盛怒之下又退回到孩提时代,边大喊大叫边跺脚地发脾气。 Many men, when very angry, regress to their childhood and show their bad temper by shouting and stamping their feet. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ff51af1fbdd5b9f3f90f76c66137ee06eff94e3b.html