【#美国移民# 导语】美国的犹他州对于外国的投资者是无限制的,有诸多的投资鼓励政策和税收政策,接下来跟着©文档大全网来一起了解一下美国犹他州怎么样吧?欢迎阅读。
前言:犹他州(State of
• Total population of 2.8 million, around half of which is based in the
Salt Lake City metropolitan area
• The Great Salt Lake from which the city takes its name is the largest
salt water lake in the western hemisphere, covering an area of around 1,700
square miles on average
• Famous Utahans include outlaw Butch Cassidy, television inventor Philo T.
Farnsworth, and music group The Osmonds
• A colony of quaking aspen which share a root system in Fishlake National
Forest is thought to be the heaviest (6,600 tons) and oldest (80,000 years)
living organism in the world
• The Mormon temple in Salt Lake City took 40 years to complete
• 94% of Utah’s population of 18-64 year olds are literate – the highest
rate in the US
• Utah has the sixth highest proportion of city based residents in the
• Named for the Ute (meaning ‘people of the mountains’) tribe who were its
original inhabitants
•的的人口包括outlaw Butch Cassidy、电视发明者Philo t . Farnsworth和music group The
•犹他州18 - 64岁人群中94%的人是有文化的,这是美国的比例
If you're looking for a dynamic, tolerant and friendly state, you should
consider studying in Utah.Mormonism is probably the first thing people think of
when they hear the name Utah. Indeed, over half its population identify as
practisers of the faith – a branch of Christianity founded in the 19th century
in the US by Joseph SmithBut it would be wrong to reduce the state to simply a
religious belief. While its influence might be strong, particularly in smaller
towns, there is more to 21st century Utah and Utahans.
The state was labelled by Forbes as the best state in which to do business
in 2010, and ranks in the top quarter of states of the 2010 Information
Technology & Innovation Foundation’s ‘State New Economy Index’ (The index
measures innovation, and how much of a state’s economy is knowledge based,
globalized and digital).Capital city Salt Lake City is a modern and prosperous
place, and has been known to surprise visitors with how liberal and progressive
it is. It is popular with tourists looking to indulge in some outdoors pursuits,
particular winter sports (Salt Lake City was the host of the 2002 Winter Olympic
The Wasatch Mountains which provide the venue for this offer a glimpse into
the state’s stunning scenery. Utah is known for being one of the most varied
states in this regard, and from the soaring Rocky Mountains and the vast Great
Salt Lake to the arid Great Basin (shared with parts of Nevada) and the Colorado
Plateau, the state certainly does not suffer from a lack of the spectacular.It
can also boast more national parks than any state outside of the considerably
bigger California and Alaska.So, the advantages of a prosperous knowledge driven
economy combined with enough natural beauty to last you a lifetime – Utah
certainly has a lot to offer the international student!